絃歌、秋韻、古月照今塵- Blue - TopicsExpress


絃歌、秋韻、古月照今塵- Blue Moon https://youtube/watch?v=7yElpXH_HJ4 Blue Moon(藍色的月) Rod Stewart-2004 Once upon a time before I took up smiling I hated the moonlight Shadows of the night that poets find beguiling Seem flat as the noon light With no one to stay up for I went to sleep at ten Life was a bitter cup For the saddest of all men 很久以前,在我拾起笑容以前 我憎恨月光 詩人們所描述的旖旎夜色 如同午間日光般平凡無味 沒有對象可熬夜 我十點就寢 生命正為最悲傷的男性 端出苦杯 Blue moon, you saw me standing alone Without a dream in my heart, without a love of my own. Blue moon, you knew just what I was there for You heard me saying a prayer for someone I really could care for. 藍色的月,祢看我蕭瑟獨立 心中無夢,無所眷戀 藍色的月,祢知我為何在此 祢聽見我的祈求,祈求覓得所愛 And then there suddenly appeared before me The only one my arms will ever hold I heard somebody whisper, Please, adore me And when I looked my moon had turned to gold. 然後,突然出現在我面前 是個唯一我想擁抱在懷裡的人 我聽見她呼喊著「請愛我吧!」 接著,我看到月亮變成金色 Blue moon, now Im no longer alone Without a dream in my heart, without a love of my own” (Repeat) 藍色的月,現在我不再獨自一人 心中不再無夢,不再無所眷戀 Without a love of my own Without a love of my own Now I have a girl of my own 不再無所眷戀 不再無所眷戀 現在,我心有愛 這是老外的「望春風」,對著月亮吐露心事這檔事兒,現實生活中做過的人不知道多不多?小說「笑傲江湖」裡的小尼姑對著聾啞婆婆吐露心事的情節,金庸寫得還蠻動人的。這首Blue Moon的歌詞,也太神奇了,一陣祈禱之後,馬上接著「And then there suddenly appeared before me」,鬼魅般地出現在眼前,讀得我有點兒毛毛的,哈!別理我! 這曲兒,比我們都年長,1934年就有了,灌錄的版本很多,各種型態都有:鄉村、爵士、搖擺、抒情、doo-wop……,Rod Stewart的版本最適合男女約會時聽,是把妹的好歌(這句話是電台某DJ說的)。 這曲子收錄在Stewart 的2004年專輯「Stardust: The Great American Songbook, Volume III」,吉他部分由Eric Clapton跨刀。
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 13:57:00 +0000

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