絃歌、秋韻、古月照今塵- Jamaica Farewell - TopicsExpress


絃歌、秋韻、古月照今塵- Jamaica Farewell https://youtube/watch?v=KFFlWtlDRqk Jamaica Farewell (告別牙買加) Harry Belafonte -1957 Down the day where the nights are gay And the sun shines daily on the mountain top I took a trip on a sailing ship And when I reached Jamaica I made a stop But Im sad to say Im on my way Wont be back for many a day My heart is down, my head is turning around I had to leave a little girl in Kingston town 白晝將盡,夜裡歡樂處處 平日陽光高照山巔 我一帆輕航 在牙買加暫作停留 但,我帶著愁悵啟程 好一陣子不能回來 心情低落,頭昏目眩 我必須離開京士頓鎮那個小女孩 Sounds of laughter everywhere And the dancing girls sway to and fro I must declare my heart is there Though Ive been from Maine to Mexico But Im sad to say Im on my way Wont be back for many a day My heart is down, my head is turning around I had to leave a little girl in Kingston town 笑聲此起彼落 跳著舞的女郎來來回回 我承認我的心依舊在那兒 雖然我從緬因州前往墨西哥 但,我帶著愁悵啟程 好一陣子不能回來 心情低落,頭昏目眩 我必須離開京士頓鎮那個小女孩 Down the market you can hear Ladies cry out while on their heads they bear Akey rice, salt fish are nice And the rum is fine any time of year But Im sad to say Im on my way Wont be back for many a day My heart is down, my head is turning around I had to leave a little girl in Kingston town 沿著市場聽得見 頭上頂著貨品的婦女吆喝聲 鹹魚拌飯正香 還有四季皆醇的蘭姆酒 但,我帶著愁悵啟程 好一陣子不能回來 心情低落,頭昏目眩 我必須離開京士頓鎮那個小女孩 My heart is down, my head is turning around I had to leave a little girl in Kingston town My heart is down, my head is turning around I had to leave a little girl in Kingston town 心情低落,頭昏目眩 我必須離開京士頓鎮那個小女孩 心情低落,頭昏目眩 我必須離開京士頓鎮那個小女孩 歌者唱著旅人的心情,他從美國東北角的緬因州南下將航行到西南方的墨西哥,途中暫停在加勒比海的島國牙買加,熱帶島嶼的旑妮風土與溫厚人情,仍無法慰藉他的思鄉情緒,家鄉Kingston town有位小女孩令他難忘。歌詞頗具旅人鄉愁,搭配流暢的旋律,聽來別有一番滋味。這曲子在YouTube還有另兩個聽起來更Easy listening的版本,也更好學唱 https://youtube/watch?v=2kyPAh5gDQE https://youtube/watch?v=mKbFViSE_9s Harry Belafonte(1927年生,美國人),母親是牙買加人,父親是非裔,年輕時有「加力騷之王(King of Calypso)」的外號,Calypso是原生於加勒比海地區的音樂流派,結合非洲音樂而成。除了音樂,他也是電視名主持人、音樂劇作者、民權人士、政治人物,是葛萊美、電視艾美獎、音樂劇東尼獎的三棲得獎人,早期即資助民權運動,與馬丁路德金恩交好,直到現在已近90高齡,對歐巴馬政策仍時有批評,頗全方位。 我們小時候看黃俊雄先生的布袋戲,其中有個賣茶老翁的角色,每一出場都會播放角色主題曲,以閩南語唱著「茶喔!茶喔!」,沿用的其實是Belafonte另一首著名的歌曲「The Banana Boat Song(香蕉船之歌)」,歌詞中有一串呼喊聲「Day-O! Day-O!」正是閩南語「茶喔!茶喔!」的諧音,黃俊雄先生真有聯想力。The Banana Boat Song描寫的是加勒比海地區的蕉農夜間工作的情形,因為黎明時才能收工,所以會呼喊「Day-O! Day-O!」,表示下工後返家途中的愉悅心情。 https://youtube/watch?v=LVUcz6wPrCs
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 11:31:34 +0000

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