【经典收藏】每次歇息,总带来新的向往! [Classic - TopicsExpress


【经典收藏】每次歇息,总带来新的向往! [Classic Collection] every time to rest, always bring new yearning! 活着就意味着必须要做点什么,请好好努力。——村上春树 It means to be alive to do something, make a good effort. - Haruki Murakami 在这些各自的瞬间,我是他人。我在每一个界定失误的印象里痛苦地更新自己。——佩索阿 In these individual moments, I was someone else. My mistake in every definition update their painful impression. - Pessoa 我去过很多地方,但我只遇到过很少的我们。——卡森·麦卡勒斯 I have been to many places, but I have only come across a few us. - Carson McCullers 我总觉得这个世界的某个地方,存在着我自己尚未知晓的使命在等待着我。——三岛由纪夫 I always feel that somewhere in this world, there is not yet known my own mission awaits me. - Yukio Mishima 有些人能精彩地活,有些人能从容地死,但是很少人能好好地爱。——查尔斯·马丁 Some people can live beautifully, some people can calmly die, but very few people can make good love. - Charles Martin 无法达成的目标才是我的目标,迂回曲折的路才是我想走的路,而每次的歇息,总是带来新的向往。——赫尔曼·黑塞 The goal is not to reach my goal, circuitous road is the road I want to go, and each of the rest, always bring new yearning. - Hermann Hesse 在我和你的海岸之间,隔着喧哗的海洋,这便是我渴望要横渡的,我这汹涌澎湃的自我。——泰戈尔 On the coast between me and you, across the hubbub of the ocean, this is my desire to be crossed, my surging self. - Rabindranath Tagore 一个温存的目光,一句由衷的话语,能使人忍受生活给他的许多磨难。——高尔基 A gentle look, a heartfelt words, make people endure life to many of his ordeal. - Gorky
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 15:26:39 +0000

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