『美國STRONGFIRST壺鈴訓練』 STRONGFIRST IS A WORLDWIDE BROTHERHOOD AND SISTERHOOD OF IRON. STRONGFIRS是遍及全球的訓練組織 We are brought together by the conviction that strength has a greater purpose. Defend your country. 我們因著強壯應有更好的目的信念相聚一起,去守護你的國家 Volunteer during a natural disaster. Win a championship. Have pride and become a lean and muscular version of yourself. Join us. 在天然災害時的志工,或是贏得冠軍,為強健的自己而自豪。 “Strength is the foundation for developing the rest of physical qualities,” stated Prof. Leonid Matveev. To reach high levels of power, endurance, sport skill, and fat loss you must become strong first. Period. Leonid Matveev.教授說道:力量是發展身體品質的基石。 為了達到更高層次的力量,耐力,運動技巧以及降低脂肪,你沒有選擇的必須要先強壯。 STRONGFIRST IS A SCHOOL OF STRENGTH. STRONGFIRST是學習力量的學校 We teach men and women how to reach high levels of strength. Quickly, safely, and without interfering with their duty, job, or sport. 我們指導男女如何快速的,不擾亂工作與運動的的狀態下安全的達到高層次的力量訓練。 Our system has a proven record with professional athletes, elite military and law enforcement operators—as well as people from all walks of life who have decided to be weak no more. 我們的訓練系統經過職業運動員,菁英部隊以及軍警驗證。 StrongFirst builds strength with several powerful tools—kettlebells, barbells, and bodyweight—and one set of universal training principles. We reverse-engineered what the strongest do naturally—and bring this exclusive knowledge to you. StrongFirst運用幾項強力的訓練武器—壺鈴,槓鈴,身體體重以及共同訓練原則來建立體能。我們逆向工程了最 強壯的人都在做什麼,並且將這些知識帶給你。 Through select books and videos. Through user courses and instructor certifications on five continents. StrongFirst has set the industry high bar. Pavel Tsatsouline, the founder, started the kettlebell revolution in 1998. 透過揀選的準則與影片,透過使用者的課程與教官五項動作的認證,StrongFirst立下業界的標準,Pavel Tsatsouline,創辦人起源壺鈴運動於1998年間 Our instructors are national champions, coaches of champions, special operators, elite martial artists, national team doctors, and other high-end strength professionals. 我們的是教官群有全國冠軍,冠軍教練,特戰人員,武術精英,國家代表隊醫師以及高端的體能專家們。 WE ARE EXPERTS AT MAKING NOVICES STRONG AND CHAMPIONS STRONGER 我們是鍛鍊初學者強壯,讓冠軍更強的專家
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 06:01:27 +0000

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