【美國聯邦最高法院200年】 【Waite Court】 1. - TopicsExpress


【美國聯邦最高法院200年】 【Waite Court】 1. Fairman,What Makes a Great Justice?Mr. Justice Bradley and the Supreme Court,1870-1892,30 B.U.L.Rev.(1950) 2. Westin,John Marshall Harlan and the Constitutional Rights of Negroes:The Transformation of a Southerner,66 Yale L.J.(1957) 3. Whitten,The Constitutional Limitations on State-Court Jurisdiction,14 Greighton L.Rev.(1981) 4. Fairman,The So-Called Granger Cases,Lord Hale,and Justice Bradley,5 Stan.L.Rev.(1953) 5. Kainen,Nineteenth Century Interpretations of the Federal Contract Clause:The Transformation from Vested to Substantive Rights Against the State,31 Bff.L.Rev.(1982) 6. Development in the Law-Equal Protection,82 Harv.L.Rev.(1969) 7. Schmidt,Juries,Jurisdiction,and Race Discrimination:The Lost Promise of Strauder v. West Virginia,61 Tex.L.Rev.(1983) 8. Bickel,The Original Understanding and the Segregation Decision,69 Harv.L.Rev.(1955) 9. Avins,Anti-Miscegenation Laws and the Fourteenth Amendment:The Original Intent,52 Mich.L.Rev.(1956) 10. Pittman,The Fourteenth Amendment:Its Intended Effection on Anti-Miscengnation Laws,43 N.C.L.Rev.(1964) 11. Kelly,The Fourteenth Amendment Reconsidered,54 Michj.L.Rev.(1956) 12. Westen,The Meaning of Equality in Law,Science,Math,and Morals:A Reply,81 Mich.L.Rev.(1983) 13. Black,The Lawfulness of the Segregation Decisions,69 Yale L.J.(1960) 14. Karst,Foreword:Equal Citizenship Under the Fourteenth Amendment,91 Harv.L.Rev.(1977) 15. Tussman & tenBroek,The Equal Protection of the Laws,37 Cal.L.Rev.(1949) 16. Monagahan,Overbreadth,1981 Sup.Ct.Rev. 17. Stern,Separability and Separability Clauses in the Supreme Court,51 Harv.L.Rev.(1937) 18. Frantz,Congressional Power to Enforce the Fourteenth Amendment Against Private Acts,73 Yale L.J.(1964) 19. Frank and Munro,The Original Understanding of “ Equal Protection of the Laws ”50 Colum.L.Rev.(1950) 20. Kinoy,The Constitutional Right of Negro Freedom,21 Rutgers L.Rev.(1967) 21. Currie,Federalism and the Admiralty-The Devil’s Own Mess,1960 Sup.Ct.Rev. 22. Pomeroy,The Power of Congress to Regulate Inter-State Commerce,4 So.L.Rev.(1878) 23. Greeley,What Is the Test of a Regulation of Foreign or Interstate Commerce?,I Harv.L.Rev.(1887) 24. Lockhart,The Sales Tax in Interstate Commerce,52 Harv.L.Rev.(1939) 25. Orth,The Interpretation of the Eleventh Amendment,1789-1908:A Case Study of Judicial Power,1983 U.Ill.L.R. 26. Baird,Bankruptcy Procedure and State-Created Rights:The Lessons of Gibbons and Marathon,1982 Sup.Ct.Rev. 27. Professor Dam,in The legal Tender Cases,1981 Sup.Ct.Rev. 28. Landis,Constitutional Limitations on the Congressional Power of Investigation,40 Harv.L.Rev.(1926) 29. Magrath,Chief Justice Waite and the “ Twin Relic ”:Reynolds v. United States,18 Vand.L.Rev.(1964) 30. Gianella,Religious Liberty,Nonestablishment,and Doctrinal Development,80 Harv.L.Rev.(1967) 31. Freeman,A Remonstrance for Conscience,106 U.Pa.L.Rev.(1958) 32. Choper,The Religion Clauses of the First Amendment:Reconciling the Conflict,41 U.Pitt.L.Rev.(1980) 33. Ely,Legislative and Administrative Motivation in Constitutional Law,79 Yale L.J.(1970) 34. Kurland,The Irrelevance of the Constitution:The Religion Clauses of the First Amendment and the Supreme Court,24 Vill.L.Rev.(1978) 35. Stone,Content Regulation and the First Amendment,25 Wm. & Mary L.Rev.(1984) 36. Van Alstyne,The Demise of the Right-Privilege Distinction in Constitutional Law,81 Harv.L.Rev.(1968) 37. White,Forgotten in the Exclusionary Rule Debate,81 Mich.L.Rev.(1983) 38. Posner,Rethinking the Fourth Amendment,1981 Sup.Ct.Rev. 39. Fairman,What Makes a Great Justice?Mr. Justice Bradley and the Supreme Court,1870-1892,30 B.U.L.Rev.(1950) The Constitution in the Supreme Court: the second century,1888-1986 Currie.David P. University of Chicago Press Chicago and London,1990
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 00:31:09 +0000

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