讀 聖嚴法師108自在語,學英文;學好英文 - TopicsExpress


讀 聖嚴法師108自在語,學英文;學好英文 ... 提昇人品 2 Becoming a Good Human Being 2 四安:安心、安身、安家、安業。 The four contentments: mind at peace, body at rest, family in harmony, all enterprise at ease. 四要:需要、想要、能要、該要。 When you wish for something - as yourself these four questions: Is it needed? Is it wanted? Is it obtainable? Is it advisable? 四感:感恩、感謝、感化、感動。 The four attitudes to take towards others: grateful, thankful, transforming, inspiring. 四它:面對它、接受它、處理它、放下它。 The four steps in dealing with any problem: face it, accept it, deal with it, let it go. 四福:知福、惜福、培福、種福。 The four keys to good fortune: know what you are blessed with, cherish it, help it grow, and plant seeds for future blessings. 能要、該要的才要;不能要、不該要的絕對不要。 If possible and permissible, seek after it; if impossible and forbidden, keep away from it. 感恩能使我們成長,報恩能助我們成就。 With gratitude we grow; repayment of kindness leads to success. 感謝給我們機會,順境、逆境皆是恩人。 Be thankful at every opportunity: good and bad fortune are both allies. 遇到好事,要隨喜、讚歎、鼓勵,並且虛心學習。 Rejoice when you encounter good, praise it, encourage it to spread, but take care to learn with an open mind. 平常心就是最自在、最愉快的心。 An ordinary mind is a mind of utmost freedom, utmost joy. 踏實地走一步路,勝過說一百句空洞的漂亮語。 A true step on the path merits more than a hundred shallow words adorned with tinsel. 知道自己的缺點愈多,成長的速度愈快,對自己的信心也就愈堅定。 The more you come to know your weaknesses, the faster you will grow - your self confidence unwavering. 多聽多看少說話,快手快腳慢用錢。 Look more, listen more; speak less, act fast; spend slow. 唯有體驗了艱苦的境遇,才會有精進奮發的心。 Only after you encounter affliction and adversity will you summon the mind of diligence. 踏踏實實做人,心胸要廣大;穩穩當當做事,著眼宜深遠。 Be solid and forthright; have a great open heart; be sure and steady in accomplishment, with vision penetrating and far-reaching.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 11:28:09 +0000

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