银河联邦 20130706 大事件 2013-07-07 - TopicsExpress


银河联邦 20130706 大事件 2013-07-07 04:21:06阅读:172次 u now from the mother ship that is located at 74 ° degrees south of your planet’s equator. ~大事件~大事件正在逼近,亲爱的光之儿女,我们在准备着你们每个人光之工作者,因为大事件就要在你们星球上发生。行星间的十二分相(看上图),人类心灵的代码与盖亚以及另一个星球之心的代码结合。是的,亲爱的光之儿女,还有另一个星球越来越接近来形成十二分相,三位一体允许了另一波大规模觉醒的开始。我们现在从你们行星赤道以南75度角的母船上跟你们说话。 Each and every one of you “ground crew” is being prepared for this event by expanding the capacity of the cell memory and the DNA codes within each and every one of your vehicles to be able to withstand the amount of light that is about to flow through you onto GAIA. 你们每一个“地勤人员”通过扩展你们器具中的细胞记忆与DNA代码---能够经受即将流向盖亚的光之数量---来为这一事件做好准备。 Due to all of your efforts and anchoring of the light onto planet earth many of you have watched as the earthlings suddenly woke up. Many of you have watched as more and more of your brothers and sisters poured onto the streets and protested that they no longer wish to live under the rulership that is presently occupying GAIA, But dear children of light, the scale has not yet been tipped, that albeit it seems that the whole world is protesting and asking for change, that is not all that it could be, and so, it is a step, a powerful step in the direction of Intergalactic Federation of love, light, abundance, and prosperity for all and one, for one and all, the universal project of GAIA. 由于你所有的努力,把光锚定到地球,你们许多人看到地球人突然醒来了。你们许多人看到越来越多的兄弟姐妹涌上街头抗议,他们不再希望生活在目前统治着盖亚的权力之下,但亲爱的光之儿女,规模尚未具有优势,尽管看似整个世界正在抗议并要求改变,并不都是可能的,因此,这是一步,朝着爱、光、丰盛与繁荣的星际联盟方向的重要一步,因为一切都是一,一就是一切,盖亚的宇宙项目。 And so, we repeat that in the next few days of your earthly time, you are going to experience a cleansing process known n to men as purging. Much of the issues that have been laying dormant within your memory cells is coming up for cleansing. You are going to experience a lot of that, and as the negative emotions that have been laying dormant begin to rise through and out of you, be prepared and understand that the “dark side” will try to hold you in that state of negativity, for they are still trying to hold on to power by any means necessary to remain on planet earth. 因此,我们重复,在你们地球时间的未来几天,你们将体验一个清洗过程被人们知晓为的换气。大量休眠于你细胞记忆中的问题正在前来寻求清洗。你将会体验甚多,随着一直休眠的负面情绪开始升起,准备好并明白,“阴暗面”会试图将你保持在负面的状态中,因为它们依旧试图抓住任何只要能留在地球上的力量。 It is now up to you. You have the power to allow this energy to stay, or purge it and remove it from your field. The process is a painful but a necessary one. And so, notwithstanding the fact of your meditations, notwithstanding the fact of your various spiritual practices, you may still find yourselves overcome with a sudden fear, anger, frustrations, misunderstanding, irritation which will give you a desire to quarrel with your loved ones, to find yourselves in arguments unable to stop and not understanding how you have arrived in this situation to begin with. 现在取决于你。你有着力量让这个能量留下来,或者清理它,将它从你的领域中移除。过程是痛苦的但是必须的。因此,尽管你有冥想、各种灵性的练习,你还是会发现自己要克服突发的恐惧、愤怒、挫败、误解、恼怒,这会让你想去抱怨你所爱的人,发现自己处于一个参数中,无法停止和不理解一开始你是如何进入这一情况的。 Please know dear children of light, please know our dear brothers and sisters, that the process that you are experiencing are not your emotions but are magnified versions of them. Please understand the reasons for this occurrence is that you are being manipulated by those that have found a weak entry point into your auric fields. 请知晓,亲爱的光之儿女,请知晓,亲爱的兄弟姐妹,你正经历的过程并不是你的情绪而是它们被放大了的版本。请明白这会发生的原因是你被那些在你的金场中找到破口而进入的人所控制。 We ask that you practice the cleansing techniques that we have brought to you earlier, through various channels around your world. And the protective techniques, that are widely spoken about. Activate your Merkabas, activate your protective shields, for now is the time that you need them most. 我们请求你去练习我们之前给予你的清理技术(通过世界上不同的管道给予的)和保护技术,被广泛讨论的。激活你的梅尔卡巴,激活你的防护盾,因为此刻你非常需要它们。 Fear NOT and remain in balance at all costs. No matter what may come your way, and much will, for you are being manipulated by the dark, in order to throw you in the chaos of instability and irritation, in order to create holes in your shields and find their ways into your heart center to disable your light, in order to disable the anchor within. Do not allow this to happen. 不要害怕,不惜一切代价地保持平衡。不管什么会前来,大量地会前来,因为你被黑暗操控,为了把你扔到不稳定与恼怒的混乱中,为了在你的护盾中创造漏洞,找到道路进入你的心之中央来残废你的光,为了残废你之内的锚。不要让这发生。 Realize that none of these emotions are yours, for they are not. Release them as soon as soon as they come up and DO NOT DWELL ON THEM. Do not allow these emotions to permeate through your body. YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF YOUR ENVIRONMENT! Watch your thoughts carefully from day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute, second to second, and millisecond to millisecond. FILTER EVERYTHING. And only allow the positive vibrations to permeate through your body. Understand that although we are here for you. YOU ARE the ones in control of your own selves. 意识到这些情绪都不是你的,因为它们不是。它们一旦升起就释放它们,不要停留片刻。不要让这些情绪渗入你的身体。你控制着自己的环境!每一天,每一小时,每一分钟,每一刻,每一毫秒仔细地观照自己的想法。过滤一切。只允许积极的振动渗入你的身体。明白尽管我们是为了你前来。你才是那个掌控自己的人。 As soon as you feel this coming over you ask your guardians, ask you guides, ask your higher selves, to release this from you into the light, release anything and everything that is throwing your balance off into the light and remain , at peace, harmony., light, love, understanding and joy . Ground yourselves as much as possible, and prepare. Prepare yourselves dear ones, for the grand event is coming to your earth shortly. 一旦你感到它们来了,请求你的指导、守护者、更高自我来释放它们进入光中,释放任何以及一切让你与光切断的东西,保持平和、和谐、光、爱、理解和喜悦。尽可能地稳固自己,准备好。准备好自己,亲爱的一们,因为大事件就要来了。 That is all we have for you at the moment. We are with you. We love you. Goodbye for now. 这是此刻所要告诉你们的。我们与你在一起。我们爱着你。暂别
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 05:30:23 +0000

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