제주의 영혼들 감독이 들려주는 영화상영회 - TopicsExpress


제주의 영혼들 감독이 들려주는 영화상영회 감독과의 대화 후기 10/25/2014 (20:51:19) theghostsofjeju.net 오늘 뉴저지와 애틀란타에서 상영회가 있었어요. 감독과의 대화도 스카이프를 이용해 진행되었지요. 감독의 페이스북에 올라온 글 공유합니다. 아래 질문과 답이 오고 갔어요. Q. I believe that the S. Korea, the US government and ultra-right-wingers dont want the historical atrocities revealed and disseminated widely throughout the world. Have you ever been harassed, stalked, and threatened by them because of the movie, the Ghosts of Jeju? 한국정부와 미국정부 그리고 극우주의자들은 그들의 역사적 과오가 드러나거나 알려지는걸 원치않는다고 믿는다. 당신의 영화때문에 그들로부터 협박을 받은적이 있는가? A. 미국에서 누구에게도 협박을 받은 적이 없고 문제가 되지 않았다. Q. Did you submit this movie to the Chicago Peace on Earth Film Festival or did they reach out to you first? Was it screened at any other Korean or American movie festivals? 이영화를 시카고 세계평화영화제에 직접 출품했나? 아니면 그들이 찾아낸건가? 한국이나 미국의 다른 영화제이서도 상영이 된적이있나? A. 시카고영화제랑 버클리영화제에 출품했고 시카고영화제에서 최고발굴상을 수상했어요. 조약골님과 함께 시카고 영화제 여행을 했어요. 지난 8월에 제주의 영혼들 한국어판을 제작해서 한국 여러 곳을 돌면서 상영회를 갖고 있습니다. 지금까지 두달 간 약 15회 정도 상영회를 했습니다. 영화사이트에 가시면 20불 주시고 구입가능합니다. 많이 봐주시고 알아나가시면 좋겠어요. (여러 영화제와 공동체 상영를 중심으로 상영회를 가지면서 알려가고 있습니다. 이 영화가 상영되는 영화제는 제주프린지페스티벌, 인천환경영화제, 대구여성영화제, 카톨릭영화제, 광주인권영화제 등이며, 서울, 부산, 대구, 인천, 제주 등지에서 여러 차례 공동체 상영회를 가졌고, 앞으로 청주, 대전, 춘천, 대구 등지에서 공동체 상영을 할 예정입니다. 시카고평화영화제 관련 소식은 한국 연합뉴스에서 5개의 특집기사로 매우 자세하게 다뤘습니다. 연합뉴스에서 제주의 영혼들로 검색해보세요. 사진과 함께 여러 기사들이 있을 것입니다.) Q.Many conscientious and justice-minded Koreans have fought against the injustices and fought for social justice. For example, the absolutely ludicrous rigged Presidential Election of 2012 that put Park Geun-hye in the office was hard-fought. People are continuing their fight on the Sewol ferry tragedy and of course voicing their dismay and protesting against the construction of an American naval base on Jeju. Peoples voices protests were totally ignored, condemned and suppressed by the Korean government. Many people began having pessimistic views and giving-up on their struggles. Do you have anything to say to those are becoming hopeless? 많은 한국인들이 2012 대선부정선거, 세월호 참사, 제주해군기지건설 문제와 같은 사회부조리 문제와 관련해, 정의와 진실을 위해 싸운다. 사람들의 목소리는 정부로부터 철저히 외면당했고 비난받았고 억압됐다. 많은 사람들이 비관하고 희망을 잃기 시작했다. 그사람들을 위해 해줄말이 있다면? A. 포기하지 마라. 강정사람들의 투쟁은 모범이 되고 있으며, 우리에게 영감을 준다. 박근혜 정부는 아버지 독재를 쫓아가고 있다. 우리는 가만히 있지 말고, 목소리를 내어 우리의 저항을 알려야 한다. Q.오바마의 아시아회귀 정책을 어떻게 보아야 하는가? A.미국의 군사주의는 큰 은행들과 다국적 기업들 군산복합체의 이익에 복무하는 것이다. 시민으로서 우리는 책임이 있다. 이를 알려나가고 억압에 저항해야 한다. 감독이 두번째 영화를 만든답니다. 많은 분들이 도움을 주시면 좋겠네요. Prospectus New Film Project By Regis Tremblay Scope • To show the effects of US militarism in the Pacific from Hawaii down to the Philippines….environmental destruction, pollution of the seas, abuse of human rights, the displacement of indigenous people, the corruption of governments and sovereign nations, prostitution, black markets, American military crimes unprosecuted, etc. • To show the massive, non-violent popular uprisings against US Militarism and expansion of bases in Hawaii, Japan, Okinawa, South Korea, Jeju Island, Guam, Taiwan, and the Philippines. • To reveal the dark forces that now control the U.S. government, the Supreme Court, and many foreign governments. These are: the big banks, the multi and transnational corporations, the military industrial complex, and the oligarchy intent on world domination. Capitalism/Corporatism go wild. • To connect the dots with ominous signs of climate disaster, e.g. Capitalism/Corporatism the largest contributors to climate change. Interviews These interviews will lend credibility to the above themes. Several have already been filmed, and the others (all have agreed) will be scheduled this fall and early 2015. Indigenous Interviews These interviews will articulate the views of the local, indigenous people who are protesting (for many years now) against US Bases in the Pacific. • Local Activists in Hawaii, Japan, Okinawa, Korea, Jeju, Taiwan, The Philippines Collaboration Collaboration with local activists will be of paramount importance in the making of this film. Many contacts have been made with activists in Hawaii, Japan, Okinawa, S. Korea, Taiwan, and the Philippines, and I continue to expand this circle of influence on a daily basis. They will be helpful in filming locations, sourcing for interviews, and research. Funding Indiegogo, a crowd funding website was used to raise over $4,000 from friends and people who also funded The Ghosts of Jeju. While my 2013 documentary The Ghosts of Jeju was produced and distributed for less than $5,000, this project is much larger in scope. The logistics alone are significant and represent the biggest financial challenge. Grants from foundations, NGOs, universities, and individual patrons of means are now being pursued. Timeline Research has been ongoing since The Ghosts of Jeju opened my eyes to the scope of US militarism in the Asia Pacific. All of the above U.S. interviews have been scheduled and some completed. On location filming will begin June 2015 with an extended trip to Hawaii, Japan, Okinawa, S. Korea and Jeju, Taiwan, and the Philippines. Guam is another possibility. Postproduction will begin immediately upon return from the Pacific filming trip, with a completion date of summer or fall 2016. Distribution will be via a dedicated website and sold for $25 plus shipping and handling. As with The Ghosts of Jeju, in addition to several personal screenings across the U.S., various activist networks will be used to spread it world-wide. The Impact I expect the impact to be significantly greater than The Ghosts of Jeju which has been seen in more than 15 countries, at 22 universities and colleges, and by thousands of people across the U.S. I expect this film will be widely circulated among and by the island people of the Pacific, and like The Ghosts of Jeju, it will be translated, voluntarily, into several languages. This film will document the truth behind U.S. militarism, foreign policy, endless wars, the abuse of human rights, and the destruction of the environment…all by the dark forces that now control our government and many governments of the world. The voices of the island peoples will touch the hearts and minds of people everywhere, and their example of massive, peaceful, non-violent uprisings will give hope to the world that only through a global effort can a new and better way of living together on this planet be achieved.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 15:44:50 +0000

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