❤️ Confucius Kiana says, Confrontation is never easy, but very - TopicsExpress


❤️ Confucius Kiana says, Confrontation is never easy, but very rewarding when you speak your truth. ❤️ This Deep thought for the day comes after the passing of my favorite, great auntie B this morning. She had been suffering from a torn aorta. She was a very fun, strong-willed, charming, loving woman who didnt mince words. She loved art and golf and even had a new boyfriend at 90 years old!? We will all miss her very very much 😥 She taught me to let some things go, after you speak your mind. Especially things that are out of your control to fix. >>>Are you the type of person who holds in their feelings or confronts uncomfortable issues head-on? 😃 Exercise increases confidence, strengthens your body and your mind. Having a strong mind can mean knowing when to confront people or when its wisest to keep let some things slide. Which type are you? I tend to be a mix of the two, leaning toward confrontational. I dont believe in holding in feelings good or bad. Holding in feelings often leads to resentment and built-up stress - that usually ends up an explosive argument or underhanded comments. ❤️ I teach my kids to speak from the heart, say things as nicely as possible, but be very direct - so theres no misunderstanding and get it all off your chest. When done the right way, confrontation and facing uncomfortable issues head-on is the way I handle most situations. It Feels good to be honest with yourself and tell the person who needs to hear it. Confrontation is never easy but very rewarding after when you speak your truth. ❤️ Confucius Kiana
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 19:40:04 +0000

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