❤️Todays Grace Moment❤️ ~Wealthy Wisdom~ 13 - TopicsExpress


❤️Todays Grace Moment❤️ ~Wealthy Wisdom~ 13 -Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding 14 -for She is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. 15 - She is more Precious than Rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. 16 - Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are Riches and Honor. 17 - Her ways are Pleasant ways, and all her paths are Peace. 18 - She is a tree of life to those who embrace her; those who lay hold of her will be Blessed. (Proverbs 3; 13-18) Money buys happiness?? That’s the world’s wisdom anyway. You can buy Plenty of THINGS if you have enough money, but it is FOOLISH to believe that Wealth will allow you to achieve a Blessed Life. GODS Wisdom, NOT WORDLY Wealth, puts real JOY in life. The Bible is clear!.. That because of Adam’s (one sin) WE ALL have inherited a Sinful Nature. 🌟DEATH is the INFINITE and UNAVOIDABLE PUNISHMENT for SINNING against an INFINITELY HOLY GOD.🌟 No amount of Worldly Wealth can keep us from Dying or put off the day of Death that we have all Earned and Deserve because of OUR SINS. The Bible’s Good News is that GOD, in HIS Infinite Wisdom and Love has Provided For Us the PERFECT SACRIFICE that has Reconciled US to HIM. ~ None of us has to Spend Anything. In Love GOD Freely Gave Us HIS SON. Because JESUS CHRIST is GOD, HE Could and Did offer HIMSELF as the Complete Sacrifice for all Our SINS. ~ We can be sure that the Death of JESUS satisfied GODS JUSTICE because ~ HE RAISED JESUS BACK TO LIFE.~ 🙌 JESUS Himself said, I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE. HE WHO BELIEVES IN ME WILL LIVE. (John 11:25-26.) Anything we might acquire in this world can’t ever compare to Wisdom we Acquire from GOD. (Worldly Success can NOT Guarantee Happiness and Peace.) There is Nothing more Pleasing and Peaceful than KNOWING that JESUS was Willing to Save Us from Death and that HE Provides ALL that WE NEED in Life. ~Put your Trust in HIM, and HE WILL BLESS YOU Here and in Eternity. - (PRETTY AWESOME, RIGHT?) 😉 Prayer: 🙏 LORD, Forgive US for the times when WE have Foolishly put OUR Trust in Worldly Wisdom.- THANK YOU for giving US the Wisdom to Believe that in JESUS WE have ALL WE NEED and more. Amen. Have a Blessed Day Everyone.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 10:03:26 +0000

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