二十點靈性的閃光 1. 跟隨愛的宗教。 2. - TopicsExpress


二十點靈性的閃光 1. 跟隨愛的宗教。 2. 我是一名真正的基督徒、真正的回教徒、真正的印度教徒、真正的錫克教徒與真正的波斯教徒。 3. 我可以走近你,但你一定先要有純潔的內心與強而純淨的意志,才可把我拉近。 4. 沒有任何宗教可以壟斷真理或神。每種宗教都有他獨特的寶貴一面,而所有宗教都也有共通的地方。 5. 所有宗教的先知都只是用不同的語言來表達永善永真的原理。 6. 愛神的人已經沒有宗教了,心裏只有神而已。 7. 宗教的本質是把人改造的原理與技巧。人並不是完工了的被造物。 8. 人在靈性上尚須打磨,他需要宗教。不同宗教之間需要合作。 9. 人從萬殊而邁進齊一是最神聖的朝聖之旅。他在旅途上會經歷憂患與痛苦,而終點目標卻是神的極樂。 10. 金錢可以買到藥物,而不是健康。金錢可以買到輕軟的枕頭,而不是熟睡。金錢可以買到物質的享受,而不是永恆的福樂。金錢可以買到飾物,而不是美麗。金錢可以買到音響耳筒,而不是自然的聽覺。達成那至高的富裕智慧,你將會擁有一切。 11. 痛苦與死亡存在,他們最終的成因是愚昧。根治的方法就是大梵的知識與至高自性的經驗。 12. 人不一定需要等待下一生才嚐回現今的業報。視乎有些惡業,人可以在幾年、幾月、幾周、幾天內受到業報。 13. 道德與靈修打開了真理或靈性的大門。 14. 讓你的服務不要受到求取認同、權力與地位等動機的污染。你服務的動機應該是全無私心的。 15. 奉獻的真義就是只求眾生的福祉,不求任何的回報,包括短暫的或是靈性上的回報。 16. 培育博愛,培育神聖的愛。最終人會融入於至美、至真、至樂的大洋。 17. 精進增強忍耐,忍耐又提升了精進的程度。 18. 靈性道路上的五個階段是淨化、啟明、統合、圓滿與解脫。 19. 三摩地就是視萬有為一。 20. 在靈性知覺中暢泳。安住於如如不動的神聖知覺之中,躍進永生的河流,目睹神聖美麗的光輝。 Twenty Spiritual Sparks 1. I follow the religion of love. 2. I am a true Christian, a true Musalman, a true Hindu, a true Buddhist, a true Sikh and a true Parsi. 3. I can come nearer to you, but you must draw me by a purified heart and a strong, pure will. 4. No religion has monopoly over Truth or God. Each has a particular feature which it specially treasures, but there are also essential aspects common to all. 5. All prophets have only delivered and proclaimed in different languages the same principles of Eternal Goodness and Eternal Truth. 6. The lovers of God have no religion, but God alone. 7. Religion is essentially the art and the theory of the remaking of man. Man is not a finished creation. 8. Man is spiritually impoverished. He has the need for religion. And there is a need for co-operation among religions. 9. Man pilgrimage through the many to the one is the most sacred pilgrimage. His pilgrimage is his journey through sorrow and pain to the goal of bliss in God. 10. Money can help you to get medicines but not health. Money can help you to get soft pillows, but not sound sleep. Money can help you to get material comforts, but not eternal bliss. Money can help you to get ornaments, but not beauty. Money will help you to get an electric earphone, but not natural hearing. Attain the supreme wealth wisdom, you will have everything. 11. Pain and death exist. Their ultimate cause is ignorance. Their cure is knowledge of Brahman or experience of the eternal bliss of the Supreme Self. 12. One need not necessarily or always have to wait for another birth to enjoy the fruits of present Karmas. According to the demerit of the Karmas one can experience their fruits within years, months, weeks, or days. 13. Ethics and spiritual practices open the door to Truth or the spirit. 14. Let your service be free from the taint of seeking recognition, power or position. Let your motive be altruistic. 15. Sacrifice means an act directed to the welfare of all life without receiving or desiring a return for it, either of a temporal or spiritual nature. 16. Cultivate cosmic love. Cultivate divine love. It will finally merge in the ocean of beauty, Truth and Bliss. 17. Endeavour enables man to endure and endurance stimulates his endeavour. 18. Purification, illumination, unification, perfection and liberation are the stages in the spiritual path. 19. Samadhi is seeing things as a whole as one. 20. Swim in the ocean of spiritual awareness. Enjoy the stupendous stillness of God-consciousness. Plunge in the river of eternal life. Behold the eternal light of Divine Beauty.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 09:31:39 +0000

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