------------WE NEED THE WORLDS ATTENTION--------- Hong Kong - TopicsExpress


------------WE NEED THE WORLDS ATTENTION--------- Hong Kong Students boycotting class for TRUE DEMOCRACY The boycott started on the 23rd of September. University and secondary school students are staying overnight in the streets outside of the government headquarter in response to the call for CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE aiming at gaining universal suffrage on par with international standard. The boycott is in response to a decision last month by Chinas legislature, the National People’s Congress (NPC), to impose restrictions on the choosing of candidates in elections for the territorys leader that are due to be held in 2017. --- the Economist (economist/blogs/analects/2014/09/hong-kong-students-strike) Police has been dragging defenceless students from the area of protest starting from midnight 27th of September. DEFENSELESS STUDENTS raising both hands in the air, not resisting arrest, are having their eyes SPRAYED WITH PEPPER SPRAY AT POINT BLANK RANGE, and ARE THREATENED BY POLICE WITH BATONS. Many of them were even ARRESTED WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE AND LEGITIMATE REASONS. They are treated roughly even when they are not resisting. The leaders of this movement for liberty are being DETAINED BY POLICE on grounds of entering government property without approval, when in fact the areas of protest are OPEN PUBLIC AREAS, as listed on government official documents, and are ACCESSIBLE TO EVERYONE BY LAW. Police officers sworn to protect Hong Kong citizens now acted with NO REGARD TO REALITY, FACTS NOR LAWS of Hong Kong. They VIOLATES everyone in the Civic Squares BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS AND FREEDOM. Their only defense being just doing their jobs. All shall answer for their crimes in courts against the people of Hong Kong. HK police force are BANDITS , I dont know how many more, but I know theyre in the city. They could be standing right next to you. They almost have what they want. ABSOLUTE CONTROL. BANDITS will be able to kill anyone that stands in their way. UNLESS WE STOP THEM. I know Im asking a lot. BUT THE PRICE OF FREEDOM IS HIGH. It always has been. And ITS A PRICE IM WILLING TO PAY. And if Im the only one, then so be it. BUT IM WILL TO BET IM NOT...... - Captain America 2 Before the Transfer of Sovereignty over Hong Kong from the UK to the Communist Party in China, we were PROMISED to have DEMOCRACY and FREEDOM remained in our homeland. However, we are being deprived of democracy and freedom bit by bit, and NOW THE PROMISE IS TOTALLY BROKEN. THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE ELECTED FROM THE SO CALLED UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE WILL NEVER REPRESENT US. HE WILL JUST BE A PUPPET OF THE MAINLAND CHINA GOVERNMENT. Every little attention can support us to SAFEGUARD OUR HOMELAND. WE NEED YOUR HELP TO SPREAD THIS MESSAGE OUT and GIVE US A HELPING HAND TO PROTECT OUR FUTURE.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 15:44:51 +0000

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