:-) :) :o) :] :3 :c) :> =] 8) =) :} :^) :っ) Smiley or happy - TopicsExpress


:-) :) :o) :] :3 :c) :> =] 8) =) :} :^) :っ) Smiley or happy face.[3][4][5] :-D :D 8-D 8D x-D xD X-D XD =-D =D =-3 =3 B^D Laughing,[3] big grin,[4][5] laugh with glasses[6] :-)) Very happy or double chin[6] >:[ :-( :( :-c :c :-< :っC :< :-[ :[ :{ Frown,[3][4][5] sad[7] ;( Winky frowny, used to signify sadness, with a bit of sarcasm. It is easily misunderstood.[8] :-|| :@ >:( Angry[6] :-( :( Crying[7] :-) :) Tears of happiness[7] D:< D: D8 D; D= DX v.v D-: Horror, disgust, sadness, great dismay[4][5] >:O :-O :O :-o :o 8-0 O_O o-o O_o o_O o_o O-O Surprise,[2] shock,[3][9] yawn[10] :* :^* ( }{ ) Kiss, couple kissing[6] ;-) ;) *-) *) ;-] ;] ;D ;^) :-, Wink,[3][4][5] smirk[9][10] >:P :-P :P X-P x-p xp XP :-p :p =p :-Þ :Þ :þ :-þ :-b :b d: Tongue sticking out, cheeky/playful,[3] blowing a raspberry >:\ >:/ :-/ :-. :/ :\ =/ =\ :L =L :S >.< Skeptical, annoyed, undecided, uneasy, hesitant[3] :| :-| Straight face[4] no expression, indecision[7] :$ Embarrassed,[5] blushing[6] :-X :X :-# :# Sealed lips or wearing braces[3] O:-) 0:-3 0:3 0:-) 0:) 0;^) Angel,[3][4][9] saint,[7] innocent >:) >;) >:-) Evil[4] }:-) }:) 3:-) 3:) Devilish[7] o/\o ^5 >_>^ ^-->-- Rose[3][9] ~(_8^(I) Homer Simpson[9] 5:-) ~:-\ Elvis Presley[9][10] //0-0\\ John Lennon[9] *^_^< ^/^ (*^_^*) §^。^§ (^・) stereotypical French character (Torirī)[21] _、,_ ミ  _⊃) stereotypical German character (Gerumandamu)[21] ≡≡彡 彡 ´_)` ) stereotypical Austrian character (Osutō)[21] ,,,,,,,,,,,,,  ミ;;;,,,,,,,ミ  ( `_っ´) stereotypical Russian character (Rosukī)[21] _γ⌒ヽ_ lXXXXXXXXl  ( ´m`) stereotypical Mexican character (Amīgo)[21] _ (>ミ - ミ )> stereotypical Persian character (jujø)[21] (`・ω・´) feel perky[20] _| ̄|○ given up[20] (`-´)> salute[20] (´;ω;`) terribly sad[20] ヽ(´ー`)ノ peace of mind[20] ヽ(`Д´)ノ be irritable[20] (#゚Д゚) angry[20] ( ´Д`) yelling, or panting[20] ( ゚Д゚) surprised, or loudmouthed[20] ┐(~`;)┌ dont know the answer[20] (´∀`) carefree[20] ( ´_ゝ`) indifferent[20] Σ(゜д゜;) shocked[20] ( ゚ヮ゚) happy, upbeat[20] キタ━━━(゜∀゜)━━━!!!!! Its here, Kitaa!, a general expression of excitement that something has appeared or happened or I came.[15] キタワァ*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・゜(n‘∀‘)η゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* !!!!! Girlish version of Its here.[20] ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃ bu-n, being carefree and above, with arms stretched out while running/soaring.[20] (*´Д`)ハァハァ Erotic stirring, haa haa[20] ( ´Д`)ノ(´・ω・`) ナデナデ Patting, nade nade[20] (((( ;゚Д゚))) Spook[20] Σ(゚Д゚) Huge surprise[20] ( ´∀`)σ)∀`) Jog someones cheek[20] (・∀・ )ヾ(- -;)コラコラ Blaming now now[20] ( ゚д゚) Amazed[20] (´ー`)y-~~ Smoking[20] ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) Toast Cheers[20] m9(・∀・) Flash of intuition[20] ヽ(´ー`)人(´∇`)人(`Д´)ノ Friendly[20] (A`) Lonely[20] ( ´,_ゝ`) Depressed, unsatisfied (based on indifferent)[20] (´-`).。oO( ... ) Thinking[20] (゚Д゚;≡;゚Д゚) Impatience[20] ( ´д)ヒソ(´Д`)ヒソ(Д` ) Whispers[20] (・∀・)つ⑩ Carrying money[20] ⊂(゚Д゚⊂⌒`つ≡≡≡(´⌒;;;≡≡≡ Sliding on belly, whooaaa!!![20] (゚д゚) Unforeseen[20] (゚⊿゚) I dont need it[20] щ(゚Д゚щ)(屮゚Д゚)屮 Come on[20] (・∀・) Mocking, good[20] (・A・) Thats bad[20] (゚∀゚) Discharged drug-in-brain, goofing around, A-HYA![20] ( つ Д `) Sad[20] エェェ(´д`)ェェエ Not convincing[20] ( ̄ー ̄) Simper, Snorlax[20] ( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \ Evil laugh (literally ahahaHAHA...)[20] [゚д゚] Deflagged[20] ♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪ Happy expressions, dancing to the music[20] d(*⌒▽⌒*)b Happy expression[20] _| ̄|○, STO or OTZ or OTL Despair. The O or o represents ones head on the ground, T or r forms the torso and S or z forms the legs.[15] (╬ ಠ益ಠ) Extreme Distaste, meant to appear as an exaggerated grimace[20] (≧ロ≦) Shouting[20] (ΘεΘ;) Pretending not to notice, asleep because of boredom[20] お(^o^)や(^O^)す(^。^)みぃ(^-^)ノ゙ Kana reading O ya su mi meaning Good night or Night[20] (*゚ノO゚)
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 11:22:25 +0000

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