#100happydays Day 81. A pretty full on day is how Alice described - TopicsExpress


#100happydays Day 81. A pretty full on day is how Alice described it. The best kind of day, except for one wee regret for me - no time for reading! Which is why Im going to bed shortly, to cuddle up and enjoy some unalloyed time, happily leaving all the jobs awaiting me until tomorrow. It started off chilly and rainy this morning. Oops, cos Id planned to barbecue the sausages for lunch! What to do?? Well, no matter after all, because we emerged from church into brilliant, hot sunshine! Id left everything more or less ready, but it still warmed my heart when I arrived home to find Daniel manning the BBQ and Zak hovering in attendance. Actually, at that very moment Daniel was down at the gate, talking to a tall, vaguely familiar looking person. It turned out it was Ross Campion, an old friend, a dear friend. Ross and I were in the same church Bible Study group (I think that was the phase of home groups) in the early 90s. We met at the home of Rosemary and Tom Everitt in Highgate, together with Astrid Windfuhr, Einar and Annelies Wilder-Smith, Anita Van Rij, Soheila Safari. Plus others, Im sure! Ross left Dunedin about 1994 and since then Ive seen him only once. So we had loads to catch up on, over cups of tea, which is what we drank copious amounts of, while chatting, back in the day. But first, the lunch! The Way Up group came for the usual bi-monthly Sunday lunch, and theyre so lovely and appreciative that I dont get uptight these days. All very good. Lots of folk today - I counted 35 in all. Plus the two dogs, who adored all the attention and food dropped onto the floor. The pics below show first the faithful Dan at the BBQ. Then various shots around the room when we were gathered for introductions / Trevors message, including one of James Irwin the leader. Then comes one of Helen Kathleen Geddes, looking altogether gorgeous I thought on that orange chair. I bought 10 brightly coloured stools from the Warehouse a few weeks ago, mainly because my Hub was meeting at Fifield. They were a pressed into service today, yay! Then come the folk of an entirely different order: first, Teddy with his whole head in the ambrosia bowl, licking every last scrap. Polly as shown in the next pic made everyone roar with laughter. She came into the lounge with a sausage in her mouth, mighty pleased, but a little afraid lest I force her to give it up. I think she was also enjoying taunting poor Teddy who could only look on helplessly, wondering if a sausage might come to him too. Polly held that sausage in her mouth (on my lap!) for about half an hour before eating it. Ross is featured in the last couple of pics: with me in front of the famous azalea, what better place, and with Teddy Bear. I realised all over again how beautiful and enduring friendship can be.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 10:23:21 +0000

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