:: 5 Secrets to getting a Positive Life :: From time to time, - TopicsExpress


:: 5 Secrets to getting a Positive Life :: From time to time, each of us will find ourselves in a rut of boredom and disinterest. We seem to lose our zest for life and feel tired, irritable and unmotivated. We want to hide under the covers rather than face the day. Perhaps youre feeling overwhelmed by work, or sad about the pain and suffering in the world, or just bored with the routine of your daily life. You are not alone. We all go through periods like this at some point. The good news is that we can do something about it. Here are some tips to help break out of the rut and feel excited about life again: 1) Take a Time Out - Take slow, deep breaths and let all of your muscles relax. Sit quietly and recharge your batteries. Try to do this daily, or even twice daily (morning and night). We need quiet time as much as we need anything else in life. Give yourself the gift of inner peace. 2) Get Inspired - Read something motivational, inspirational or uplifting. Look at some beautiful nature photos, or read something humorous. Consciously move your thoughts to a more positive place.Make it a point to laugh, be happy, joyful and lighthearted each day. Dont wait for inspiration to come knocking on your door, go out and find it, or create it. 3) Get Excited - Think about the things you have planned for the day, and rekindle the enthusiasm you once felt for them. Recapture that feeling and hang onto it! Eg. list the ways they will benefit your children, your spouse, yourself, or your home. Identify the payoff, and focus on that. Sometimes its just a matter of switching our mindset to see the positive side. 4) Baby Steps - Sometimes the hardest part is actually getting started. Dont focus on the big picture, look at the smaller details and take them on one at a time. Any large task seems manageable once we break it down into smaller steps. 5) Care of the Body - Be sure you are getting enough rest, eating food that nourishes your body, drinking enough water, getting enough exercise, etc. Eating a lot of highly processed foods and sugar is like putting watered-down gasoline into our cars. In order for our cars to run smoothly, we need to maintain them properly, and so it is with our bodies also. Remember, the body is the vehicle for the mind and soul! Finally, remember to reward yourself from time to time, and be gentle with yourself! There will always be things that need to be done. Try to eliminate the things that truly dont bring you joy, or at least minimize the time you spend on them. -
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 09:31:23 +0000

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