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$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ About half a trillion in deficit reduction during the Obama administration is the most since WWII no matter the conservative claim to the contrary ... and now it is anticipated that there will be a reduction in costs of healthcare contributing to the deficit reduction. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (aka The Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare) is actually preventive care. Its so very much cheaper to maintain health with insured checkups and preventive care than to wait and wait without health insurance until its too late and end up in the emergency room (ER) at tax payers great expense. ER treatment for the uninsured costs many times more along with the suffering of people and their families in terms of emotional devastation as well as time/effort and economic devastation what with long-term care by family members and institutions for the sick with advanced cancer etc as well as the disabled and paralyzed requiring life time therapy. You did NOT read the fine print of your old healthcare policy (if you had one) which denies treatment for many sicknesses and injuries or else provides limited treatment until the money-limitation is exceeded to you, your children, and your spouse or parents ... so you do not understand why you have to pay a little more sometimes under Obamacare. But many middle class and certainly the poor will get tax-refunds for insurance costs. Therefore, do not believe that you cannot afford health care under the new law that is the Affordable Care Act or by other names in many southern states that do not want to call it Obamacare, because they hate our legally elected president who is not a Kenyan citizen, according to many conservatives, but American. You loose your job ... you still have health insurance for proper healthcare for yourself and your family. You have a pre-existing minor or major illness ... you still keep your health insurance, because its finally the law and there is nothing that those hateful anti-Obama people can do about it. You will have health insurance at a cheaper cost and there will be competitions in the insurance market place providing the best for you and your family. Many billions of dollars will be saved for Americas economy by reducing fraud and inefficiencies by hospitals and clinics that unnecessarily repeat tests done by others since information will be shared via the internet etc as well as great emphasis on preventive care reducing emergency room visits that are extremely costly to tax payers. But I dont get sick or injured in accidents because Im too young is/was a stupid excuse and now we all will be covered like the human beings that we are instead of being kicked to the curb like pest-rodents and insects. The shame of a political motivated antiquated healthcare system is now ended in America. And if you do not like or want affordable healthcare as Obamacare, then you are very welcome to get sick, suffer long, and die in agony with your families economically and emotionally devastated ... because your kind will eventually die out of America, thank goodness. All Americans will eventually love Obamacare just like they love Social Security and Medicare. Were it not for the angry/crazy Tea Party and their selfish puppets in the House of Representatives (elected by cheating with gerrymandering or zigzagging districts), Americans could have had universal health care similarly to that in Canada (which is even better than Obamacare but blocked by conservatives wanting only corporate welfare for the super rich at the expense of 98 percent of America). In Canada, people who get sick, need preventive care, or have any accident can go to any nearest hospital or clinic and get treatment for free. The waiting times are short (several minutes to around 45 minutes) no matter the lies to the contrary from American conservative media. Canadians even get cash for cab fare home or free home visits to get groceries or home cleanup while sick, during healing, or even for taking care of infant children or toddlers a couple time per week for several hours each time ... and all for free. Taxes from the citizens pay for it all and every Canadian feels safe and secure because of it. Americans sometimes marry a Canadian to become eligible for the free universal healthcare and similar programs exists in Europe such as France. Its paid for from taxes and only a small percentage of citizens complain which is just human nature even with a good thing. (Virgos complain a lot no matter what.)
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 05:29:29 +0000

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