...And why did BART allow Hocks employer, Veolia Transportation, - TopicsExpress


...And why did BART allow Hocks employer, Veolia Transportation, to profit from the strike by supplying substitute buses? We have to put a finger on the Veolia privatization drive and the business interests of the 1%ers, the capitalist class the BART board really represents. They escalate the class war by bringing a union busting privatizer in to force a strike and try to bust the union; and ultimately ignoring the picket line and getting two scabs killed! Then they rent the make up scab transit vehicles to the system to serve the clients of the strike they provoke...I mean you couldnt make this stuff up for a TV show and they get away with it right out in the open!
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 00:37:32 +0000

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