"Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, & the Prison of Belief," - TopicsExpress


"Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, & the Prison of Belief," contained new info for me about L. Ron Hubbard and his folllowers. Some choice bits: *followers sign BILLION YEAR contracts. It is very difficult to get out. People run away, including one highly-ranked guy who drove his car through a fence. There is a "program" to go through to get out, but they end up being charged for all the classes they were FORCED to take (up to hundreds of thousands of dollars); escapees are often tracked down & returned to compoounds *they categorize people: "wogs" R us, the "common, ordinary, run-of-the-mill, garden-variety humanoid," Sea Org are Scientology peons who sleep in basements and eat meals that cost 75 cents, and get 2 pair of pants, 2 shirts, & 1 pair of shoes (lifetime allotment) and who are charged $ for infractions, from their $50/mo "salary"; Suppressive Persons are those who speak disparagingly of Scientology; Potential Trouble Sources are those the church identifies that you should avoid; "disconnect" is what they make you do to friends and family who they declare PTS or SPs *Miscavige, the leader, gets 5 meals a day, with 4 entrees prepared at each meal, so he and his wife will have choices; their food costs, depending on guests, range from $3,000-$20,000/week *followers allege that they physically punish members with beatings and forced labor or marching *they hate LGBT people *In 1965, Hubbard laid down the "Fair Game Law," which said SPs could be "tricked, lied to or destroyed." He retracted it, but really! This is a "worthy leader"? Taliban-like *they took over the bankrupt "Cult Awareness Network" and praise Scientology through it - misleading, much? *in a settlement with the IRS, they won a lot of concessions, including that the IRS had to print and distribute booklets around the world explaining Scientology (your tax dollars at work) *every church of mission maintains an office for L. Ron Hubbard for the day he "returns"; pens, legal pads at the desks and toothbrushes and books - everything laundered, dusted, ready for him! *they believe in a kind of faith healing *Hubbard denigrated psychiatry (they still do), because "psychiatrists, allied with the tyrant Xenu, [carried out] genocide in the Galactic Confederacy seventy-five million year ago." *Many celebrities were sucked in to this belief founded by a strange science fiction writer. Nancy Cartwright, the voice of Bart Simpson, gave $10 million. Eat my shorts!
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 02:09:38 +0000

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