*I just told the boys this story & they enjoyed it, so perhaps you - TopicsExpress


*I just told the boys this story & they enjoyed it, so perhaps you will too.* (The topic of lying *for no real reason* & thus our childhood stories just came up) Andrew: “Mommy, do you have any more childhood stories? Because that last one was really funny!” Ethan: “Yeah! Please…??” Me: “Well. I actually have one of my favorite stories to tell. But it wasn’t for something I DIDNT do, it was something I really DID do. Are you sure you want to hear it?” Boys: “Yeah!” Me: “OK, well when I was younger, my brother Victor & I spent a lot of time at our grand-parents home, my Mom, Graham Cracker’s Mom & Dad, who we called Mee-Ma & Papa. Well every time we would get in trouble, Mee-Ma had a wooden yard stick… do you know what that is? It’s like a ruler, just longer…. about three times as long. So that yardstick… she would get it out to spank us with it when we did something bad enough, but then she would feel kind-of bad, although we really deserved it… so she would then have us do an arts & craft with her, or maybe help her bake or ice a cake or something. She was a crafter, a sewer, a baker… a saint with a huge heart, but she knew we needed to be disciplined if we did something bad, but she always felt bad when she had to actually do it. So anyway, one day Victor & I were rough-housing, just horsing around & we knocked over a lamp… & well, what happens when a lamp hits the floor?” Boys: “It breaks!” Me: “Yup, it broke. So what was the first thing we did?” Boys: “Fixed the lamp!” Me: “No.” Boys: “Hid the lamp!” Me: “No. Boys: “Moved the lamp around!” Me: “No…. We hid the yardstick.” Boys: *gasp* Me: “Yeah, so we took it…. & we threw it under the house. We figured if she wasn’t be able to find it, then we wouldn’t get punished, right? This seemed like a BRILLIANT PLAN….! So, then… she came home… & what’s the first thing you think she saw?” Boys: “The broken lamp!” Me: “Yup. The broken lamp. Do you think she was happy?” Boys: “No!” Me: “Yup. She was super mad. So what’s the first thing she looked for?” Boys: “The yardstick!” Me: “Yup. What was she unable to find?” Boys: “The yardstick!” Me: “Yup. She looked for it for what seemed like forever… we tried so hard to not laughing. Finally, she threw up her hands & we were finally safe! We felt so smart! So wise! So awesome! So what did she do next?” Boys: “An arts & craft project!” Me: “Well... first she told us to go outside. You see, in the backyard, she had a million-billion & a half trees. Figs, peaches, mesquite…. She said, ‘You two go out back & find me the longest, thinnest peach switches’ (a switch is a branch, by the way) ‘ & bring it inside…. & we will get started.’ We were so excited, because for ONE, we had just gotten away with something HUGE without being PUNISHED. Then, also, siblings are VERY competitive right? So we were so incredibly super excited, running & climbing all over each other to get to that longest, thinnest peach switch we could find, running through branches, climbing trees, racing each other back to the front porch…. Once we burst back through the living room door, we fell all over each other… trying to reach her first to show off these long, thin peach switches we had found… because when you’re a kid, EVERYTHING IS A COMPETITION, right? So what do you think happened, next?” Boys: “You did an arts & crafts project!” Me: “No. She spanked us, really, really hard, with each of our peach switches. It hurt so bad, I remember we literally couldn’t sit down for probably two days.” Boys: *gasp* Me: “Yeah. So… what do you think we did next?” Boys: “An arts & craft project!” Me: “No... We got beat with our chosen switches…. then ran quick to crawl back under the house to get that yardstick back out from under the house. Nothing was worse than the peach switches.” Boys: *gasp* Me: “Yeah. We learned a pretty good lesson that day… which did not include an arts & crafts project that I can recall.” Boys: *gasp* That was another cool story!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 03:01:29 +0000

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