“If I have to take police protection in my own country from my - TopicsExpress


“If I have to take police protection in my own country from my own people, then there is something wrong with me, Im fighting within the framework of the Indian constitution and it is not against anyone, but for everyone.” --Dr. Narendra Dabholkar Great humanist,social worker & Rationalist, Dr. Narendra Dabholkar was born on 1st November 1945 … He was a qualified medical doctor,…After practicing for 12 years he got tired of his work as a doctor & turned to social work … At the starting of his work he participated movements for social justice, such as Baba Adhavs One village – One well agitation.. He got influenced by rationalist B.Premanand & his movement & decided to fight against superstitions…superstitions are mainly concerned with physical & mental health …being a medical doctor Dr.Dabholkar was very well acquainted with the mentality of victims which helped him in his work… ….he joined Akhil Bharatiya Andhashraddha Nirmoolan Samiti (ABANS) & subsequently in 1889 founded Maharashtra Andhashraddha Nirmoolan Samiti (MANS) ….The committee of rationalist social workers who works for eradication of blind faith & superstitions…the organisation has 200 branches located in rural and urban Maharashtra, Belgaum in Karnataka and Goa till today, campaigning against superstitions, confronting dubious tantriks and claimed holy men who promised miracle cures for ailments… Maharashtra Andhashraddha Nirmoolan Samiti is a very unique rationalist organisation in lot of manners ….. the work of MANS is based on four principles .... 1) To oppose harmful superstitions, which exploit people. 2) Create scientific awareness & temper 3) Positive & constructive analysis of religious traditions and customs. 4) Association for social change and work with other social reform organizations Though it’s a rationalist movement it has never opposed any religion or never told it’s volunteers to stop practicing religions..that’s really interesting one…Dr. Dabholkar believed that it’s possible to fight against superstitions without disturbing someone’s faith…the organisation is financially independent & doesnt accept any foreign or government grant….it arranges seminars for teachers & school children creating scientific awareness…the work of MANS is greatly applauded all over India & other states have requested the volunteers to take scientific seminars in their states also… Dr.Dabholkar fought for equality of Dalits…. He opposed cast system, demanded social reformation of the system…he raised voice against cast based violences in between 1990-2000… He also advocated renaming Marathwada university as Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University…For promotion of inter cast marriages he used to attain them individually.. Besides MANS he was very good writer…he wrote many books on different subjects mainly dealt with analysis of blind faiths & addressed over 3,000 public meetings... he renowned Marathi weekly Sadhana, which was founded by Sane Guruji….Writing for Sadhana is still considered as a great honor for a writer…. . He spent his whole life fighting against superstitions & blind faith… opposed pseudosciences such as Vastushastra & Astrology….he built his own house irrespective of Vastu Shastra & conducted marriages of his children in very simple manner without any religious rituals… Very calm by nature, he used to say “ I do this work just because I like…I am the luckiest person who don’t believe in luck…” Unfortunately many culprits were opposite of his views..Dr. Dabholkar had faced several threats and assaults since 1983 but had rejected police protection… he was assassinated by two unidentified gunmen near Omkareshwar temple, Pune on 20 August 2013…the news went viral…Maharashtra lost it’s great rationalist…But MANS is fighting his battle ahead…he ignited so many minds & created lots of followers who are leading his work towards betterment of society… Just after four days of his death the pending Anti-Superstition and Black Magic Ordinance was promulgated by government of Maharashtra…Dr. Dabholkar was awarded the Padma Shri for social work posthumously in 2014… The only tribute to Dr.Dabholkar will be to continue his work…… # P.S. It’s constitutional fundamental duty of every citizen Of India to promote scientific temperament & create awareness about…this article is short introduction of Dr. Dabholkar & his work…readers are advised to think,discuss & share the thoughts….thanking you....
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 21:59:26 +0000

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