:::Metabolizing the nondual perspective is one phase of human - TopicsExpress


:::Metabolizing the nondual perspective is one phase of human development, but Im not lingering there::: Its empowering to see myself as a continuum and rather than a destination or an understanding. I have given up trying to explain or organize who I am. There was a ton of suffering in trying to sort out and understand my identity. What is here this moment will not be here next, then it may reemerge but it seems completely unfamiliar to all other experiences. This movement I am is an ever-shifting being. What seems important to note now is the developmental aspect of being alive. Life lived through a fixed sense of identity as thoughts, beliefs and images is a developmental phase. I lived in that phase most of this lifetime. Experiencing myself for the first time by getting clean of that fixation as the freedom of presence is also a developmental phase. I spent about 3 years in that phase. I can speak about absolutes as easily as I abide as the absolute. And now, a new phase of developing comes into play. In metabolizing the absolute nature of who I am, there is a flourishing of the relative being that is here existing as a human animal on our earth. This is a very different experience than the person I was when I wrote my first 2 books on nonduality. I can no longer write as compulsively as I did about the absolute I am, than I could go back to high school and thrive. This is quite a different developmental phase for me. I have received the nourishment of being a great mystery and perennially, I am whole. I am well. From here I unfold as being flowers through me. This being is concerned, I am touched by the suffering in life deeply. I want to make a difference in this lifetime and I want to do that creatively attuned to the life force pouring consciously through me. I am learning and growing in ways that wouldve been impossible 5 years ago and for that I am super grateful. Cheers friend, cheers to growing and erasing every goal line that appears. Life is a wild thing and it does what it wants anyway, why not be here attuned, creatively morphing in full seamless synchronicity with these rhythms of change?
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 15:33:15 +0000

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