,PART II ( WONT SAY GOODNIGHT TO GOD) I started by saying how - TopicsExpress


,PART II ( WONT SAY GOODNIGHT TO GOD) I started by saying how God revealed to me , HES NOT THE GOD OF THE NIGHT, when I told Him good night, as Ive always done. You can go years in old habits, without really thinking about WHAT IT US YOU ARE ACTUALLY SPEAKING. WORDS DO HAVE POWER AND DEEP MEANING, ESPECIALLY TO GOD, AND NOT ONLY TO GOD BUT ALSO OUR ENEMY, THE DEVIL. He doesnt want us to LEARN the Godly vocab, he wants you to REMAIN IN IGNORANCE. People ate dying needlessly and going to a devils hell, why? Because THEY JUST DONT KNOW. ( the truth if Gods word ). Hosea 4:6). Says: MY PEOPLE ARE DESTROYED FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE: BECAUSE THOU HAST REJECTED (a word used to mean, deliberately pushed it away), KNOWLEDGE, I WILL ALSO REJECT THEE....... ( Meaning, Im gona now push you away, because you pushed me away.). I was saying also, how Jesus, God , want us to say what we mean and mean what we say. BELIEVE, SPEAK, DO; BELIEVE, SPEAK, IT HAPPENS. WHY DOES IT HAPPEN, JUST BECAUSE YOURE SAYING IT? BECAUSE, AS JESUSS WORDS WERE LEAVING HIS MOUTH, THE WORLD WAS CHANGING AS HE SPOKE. HE WAS ACTUALLY, SPEAKING THINGS INTO EXISTENCE, HE WANTS US TO WALK IN HIS SPIRIT, I IMITATING HIM. LIVING BY FAITH. PSALM 45:1 says in (KJV)king James version; MY TONGUE IS A PEN OF A READY WRITER. (Meaning, the tongue is actually writing our future. We have whatever we say. If we speak a lit if things God is not speaking, evil, negatively, about ourselves, our future, etc. Then we SPEAK IT INTO OUR LIVES. JESUS Mark 11:23).FOR VERILY,( truly), I SAY TO YOU, THAT WHOEVER SHALL SAY TO THIS MOUNTAIN, BE THOU REMOVED, (speak with faith and authority, saying, MOVE OUT MY WAY, YOU BIG MOUNTAIN!),AND BE CAST INTO THE SEA; AND SHAKK NOT DOUBT IN HIS HEART, BUT SHALL BELIEVE THST THOSE THINGS WHICH HE SAYS ( the actual words you say with faith). SHALL CONE TO PASS; HE SHALL HAVE WHATSOEVER HE SAYS. Note: sometimes I paraphrase the bible for your understanding, SO YOU HAVE TO NOT TAKE MY WORD FOR IT, BUT LOOK IT UP FOR YOURSELF, SEE IF GOD REALLY SAID WHAT I SAID HE SAID, YOU HAVE TO PROVE ME WRONG, IM DOING THE READING, AND IM GIVING IT TO YOU AS I BELIEVE ITS WRITTEN. YOU MAY SEE IT DIFFERENTLY. BUT BY ALL MEANS, SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES AND SEE WHAT GOD IS TALKING TO YOU ABOUT. HE WROTE THE LETTERS TO WHOSOEVER. WILL BELIEVE HIS REPORT. FAMILY, GOD WROTE A REPORT, I BELIEVE HIS REPORT. LIKE THE FOREFATHERS OF OLD, WHO DIED, BELIEVING IN THE PROMISED SAVIOUR, AND NEVER SAW HIM, IFI NEVER SEE ANOTHER MIRACLE, and I will, OR ANYTHING ELSE FROM God with my eyes, Let me HOLD ON TO THE REPORT. ISAIAH 53:1. WHO HAS BELIEVED OUR REPORT? (God is talking with Himself along with the holy spirit, and The Word, called Jesu). The Godhead, TO WHOM IS THE ARM OF THE LORD REVEALED? JESUS, He. Is the arms if the lord, He did the work required to save us. BUT HAS THE ARM OF THE LORD,( I MEAN has Jesus) BEEN REVEALED TO YOU? DO YOU BELIEVE HIS REPORT? GOODNIGHT FACES, BUT I WONT SAY GOODNIGHT TO THE LORD LOVE MARILYNN
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 09:31:35 +0000

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