‘Sa’d bin Mu’adh’, The hero for whom the throne [of Allah - TopicsExpress


‘Sa’d bin Mu’adh’, The hero for whom the throne [of Allah ]shook at His death Who was He? He was the great leader, the martyr, Sa’d bin Mu’adh bin An-Nu’man bin Abd Al-Ash’hal Abu Amr Al-Ansari Al-Awsi Al-Ash’hali, Al-Badri, the one for whom the Throne shook because of his death. He was a very fair, tall and handsome man. He had a radiant face, good eyes, and a full beard. He accepted Islam at the hand of Mus’ab bin Umayr. Ibn Ishaq said: “When he accepted Islam, he stood amongst his tribe and said to them: ‘O Bani Abd Al-Ash’hal, what is my position in your midst? They all replied: Our leader in nobility and our right hand cheif.’ He said: ‘Your word about me would be haram as well as your men and women unless you believe in Allah and His messenger.’” He also said: By Allah, no one remained in the households of Bani Abd Al-Ash-hal neither amongst the men nor of the women except that they all accepted Islam. Ibn Shihab said: Sa’d bin Mu’adh witnessed the battle of Badr and he was shot with an arrow at the battle of Khandaq. He lived for a month after that, then his wound relapsed and he died. Author’s words: In spite of the fact that he lived only a few years in Islam, his contribution outstripped his lifetime [in Islam]. He entrenched glory for himself and for his deen. Great moments in His life: The great moments in the life of this righteous slave [of Allah] are quite numerous. This is the man that the Throne shook because of his death and the Angels moved in frenzy in a bid to outstrip one another to partake in his funeral and to bear his bier in reverence and humility for him. Amongst this great moments are: The day of the Banu Quraydah: A’ishah was in the fort of Banu Harith on the Day of Khandaq and the mother of Sa’d was with her when Sa’d passed by wearing an undersized cost of mail which left his entire arm exposed. He had a spear in his hand which he continuously shook while saying: ‘Haml stayed for a short while watching the turmoil, there is no gualms about death when the time has come.’ On hearing this, his mother responded to him: ‘O my son! You have delayed.’ So U said to her: ‘O mother of sa’d, how I wish the armor of Sa’d is bigger than it is.’ Sa’d was hit by an arrow [i.e., on the day of Khandaq]. Ibn Al-Araqah shot him [with an arrow]. When he was hit, he said: “Take that from me, I am ibn Al-Araqah.” Sa’d said to him: “May Allah make your face araqa [perspire] in the Hellfire.” Then he prayed: ‘O Allah! If there is still remains any fight with the Quraish [infidels], then keep me alive till I fight against them for Your sake. There are no people more beloved to me to fight against in Your cause but those who disbelieved Your Prophet, belied him and turned him out [of Makkah]. But if you have brought the war to an end, then let this wound be [a cause of] martyrdom for me and do not kill me yet until You delight me regarding Banu Quraydah.’ Banu Quraydah had breached their covenant with the messenger of Allah, [peace be upon him] and allied themselves with the confederates in order to provide them an easy access into Madinah to attack the Muslims. It was only the grace of Allah that saved the Muslims. When they breached the covenant, Allah’s messenger [sa] sent Sa’d to them to remind them of the covenant but they insulted him and hurt the messenger of Allah, [pbuh]. It is for this reason Sa’d said what he said. When Allah defeated the confederates alone, the Prophet [sa] laid siege on them [Banu Quraydah] until they agreed to a verdict set by Sa’d bin Mu’adh. So Allah’s messenger [sa] sent for him [Sa’d] and he passed the verdict that their warriors should be killed and their children and women should be taken as prisoners. The messenger of Allah, [pbuh] said: ‘You have passed judgement on them with the judgement of Allah which he has given above the seven Heavens.’ In the narration of Imam Ahmad from Jabir who said: “They [the warriors of Banu Quraydah] were four hundred men. When their execution was concluded, Sa’d artery ripped open again.” His death: Mahmud bin Labeed said: When sa’d’s median arm vein was hit, he became heavy with illness so he was transferred to the care of a woman called Rufaydah to treat the wound. Any time the Prophet [sa] passed by, he would say: ‘How do you feel this evening? How do you feel this morning?’ and Sa’d bin Mu’adh would respond to him until the night in which he was taken by his people to the quarters of Banu Al-Ash’al. The messenger of Allah, [pbuh] came and said: ‘They have taken him.’ Then he went out and we went with him. He walked very fast until the straps of our shoes cut and the Companions complained about that to him. The Prophet [sa] said: ‘I am just afraid that the Angels will get to him before us and bathed him just as they did to Hanzalah.’ When he got to the house, Sa’d had been washed and his mother was weeping over him saying: ‘Woe befalls Umm Sa’d for the loss of Sa’d; love has been punctured.’ The messenger of Allah, [pbuh] said: “Every weeper is false except Umm Sa’d, then he went out with his body.” The people said to him: ‘We have never carried a corpse lighter upon us [to carry] than his.’ He responded to them: ‘Nothing prevents him from being light except that so and so angel who had never descended until that day was also carrying him with you.’ The messenger of Allah had visited him when his illness got worse and just before his soul departed. Abdullah bin Shadad said: “Allah’s messenger [sa] entered upon Sa’d when his soul was nearing its end and he said to him: ‘May Allah reward you with good amongst the leaders of men, you have fulfilled your pact [with Allah] and Allah shall fulfil His promise to you.’” The Throne [of Allah] Shook Because of His death: What virtue is greater than this? What distinction is greater than this? A slave died on Earth and the Throne shook in joy and delight because of his arrival. Jabir [ra] reported: “Jibril came to Allah’s messenger [sa] and said: ‘Who is this servant that died for whom all the gates of the heavens were opened and the Throne shook?’ The messenger of Allah, [pbuh] said: ‘That is Sa’d.’” Imam ad-Dhahabi said: ‘The statement of the Prophet [sa] has been concurrently reported that: ‘The throne shook in joy at the death of Sa’d.’’ It is also established from the prophet [sa] that he said regarding a robe whose beauty amazed him: ‘The handkerchief of Sa’d in Paradise is far more beautiful than this.’ Ad-Dhahabi also said: ‘The throne is a creature of Allah and He employs in the way He wishes. If He wanted it to shake, it shook by the wish of Allah and He made it as a symbol of His love for Sa’d just as Allah made the mountain of Uhud a symbol of His love for the Prophet [sa]. Allah [swt] says: ‘O you mountains, Glorify [Allah] with him.’ [Saba:10] This indeed is the truth: In Sahih al-Bukhari, ibn Masud [ra] said: “We used to hear the tasbih [glorification of Allah] of food while it was being eaten.” The door of this [kind of miracle] is quite wide and the path to it is deep iman [faith]. The Angels attended His funeral: Glory be to Allah, the worth of a man is heightened when he recognizes his Lord. The delegates of Ar-Rahman descend at his death [saying]: ‘Fear not, nor grieve! But receive the glad tiding of Paradise which you have been promised!’ [Fussilat:30] Here they are leading the funeral of Sa’d and here they are walking all around him in a solemn procession that the pen is incapable of describing. Ibn Umar [ra] narrated that the messenger of Allah, [pbuh] said: “This is a righteous servant for whom the Throne shook and for whom the gates of heavens were thrown open and whose funeral was witnessed by 70,000 angels who had never descended to the earth until that day.” The Squeezing of the Earth: The messenger of Allah, [pbuh] said: “Were anybody to be saved from the squeezing of the grave, it would have been Sa’d.” The commentary of Al-Islam Adh-Dhahabi: He said: “This squeezing is not a punishment of the grave in any way. Rather, it is something that is experienced by the believer just as he experienced the pain of birth, and he experienced the pain of sickness, and the pain of extraction of his soul; the pain of his questioning and examination in the grave and the pain stemming from the effect of the weeping of his family over him after death; the pain of resurrection from his grave, the pain of his standing [on the plane of Judgement], the pain of his passing over Hell and similar other pains.” All of these would be experienced by a servant at a point in his journey life. Nevertheless, they are neither punishment of the grave nor of the Fire of Hell. Rather, Allah shows kindness on His righteous servant in some parts or all of that. For the believer, there is no rest until he meets his Lord. Allah says: “And warn them [O Muhammad ‘sa’] of the Day of grief and regrets.” [Maryam:39] He [swt] also says: “And warn them [O Muhammad ‘sa’] of the Day that is drawing near [i.e., the Day of Resurrection], when the hearts will be choking the throats. [Al-Ghafir:18]” We ask Allah for his pardon and subtle kindness. In spite of the common however, from what is known is that Sa’d is from the people of Paradise and that he is one of the foremost martyrs. May Allah be pleased with him. We ask Allah for His security and that He should resurrect us in the company of Sa’d. When Sa’d bin Mu’adh’s soul taken screamed and the Prophet [sa] said: “Shouldn’t we dry your tears [delight you] and take away your grief? Certainly, your son is the first person Allah smiled at and the Throne shook for his sake.” The weeping of the Companions for Him: When the wound of Sa’d burst open again, Allah’s messenger [sa] rushed to him and held him to his chest while blood flowed on him. Then Umar came in and uttered the tarjee: ‘Ina lillahi wa ina ilayhi raji’oon [To Allah we belong and to Him is our return].’ A’ishah [ra] also reported: “Allah’s messenger [sa] came to visit Sa’d alone with Abu Bakr and Umar in the tent which Allah’s messenger [sa] pitched for him in the masjid. At that time, Sa’d was in the throes of death. By the One in Whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, I said to myself: ‘’Today I am going to distinguish between the crying of Abu Bakr from that of Umar and all this while I was in my apartment. Both of them were as Allah described them: ‘Merciful among themselves.” [Al-Fath:29] Sa’d [ra], died at the age of thirty-seven [37] and Allah’s messenger [sa] led his janazah and he was buried at the Baqi.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 21:09:44 +0000

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