** Stretching ** Im sharing one of Shaun Ts videos today.. its - TopicsExpress


** Stretching ** Im sharing one of Shaun Ts videos today.. its a bit different - its a stretching video. Its only 5 minutes so everyone can find the time for this in your day. Shaun says do each stretch for 1 minute. I think if youre just starting out with stretching, 1 minute is a long time to maintain good form. My advice would be to reduce that time to 30 seconds per move but do two rounds of the stretches. Thats still 5 minutes but youll probably manage better technique so itll be more beneficial to you. So, do stretches 1-5 for 30 seconds each and then repeat for a second time. ** Why is Stretching Important? ** Stretching helps reduce the risk of injury.. it helps you perform better during your activity.. Id argue its at least as important as your workout.. Stretchings something that often gets neglected. Im just as guilty of that as anyone. People think killing themselves in a fitness class for an hour or running 10 miles is where you get all your benefits from. Whilst that might be true, youre not going to be able to do your fitness class or your run if youre injured, so bang goes your training plan and bang goes your progress... back to square one it is... So the next time were in the class and were doing the warm-up or cool down stretches, try to put as much into the that as you put into the main part of the class.. but also try and stretch each day, even for 5 minutes..
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 08:26:46 +0000

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