****The call to PERFECTION**** (This is a collection of - TopicsExpress


****The call to PERFECTION**** (This is a collection of definitions from various sources stating the same thing. Those sources include Websters, Mirriams, Zondervan and Strongs) Perfect- 1. Exactly fitting the need in a certain situation or of a CERTAIN PURPOSE 2. entirely WITHOUT any flaws, defects, or SHORTCOMINGS 3. CORRECT in every detail. 4. THOROUGH, COMPLETE, COMPLETELY FURNISHED 5. PURE, UNMIXED, UNDEFILED, THOROGHLY CLEANED 6. Expert, accomplished 7. Having ALL parts or members present. 8. Holy, Sanctified, without blemish 9. Mature, fully developed MT 5:48 BE ye therefore PERFECT even as your father which in heaven is perfect. Dt 18:13 Thou SHALL BE PERFECT with YAH(the LORD) thy Elohim (God) 2CO 13:11 Finally brethren, farewell. BE PERFECT, be of good comfort n be of ONE mind, live In PEACE and the Elohim of love and peace shall be with you. Dt 25:15-16 But thou shall have a PERFECT AND JUST weight, a PERFECT AND JUST measure shall thou have. That thy days may be lengthened in the land which YAH gives thee. For ALL that do such things against this, and ALL that do unrighteously ARE AN ABOMINATION unto YAH. Prov 11:5 The righteousness of the PERFECT shall DIRECT HIS WAY: but the wicked shall fall by HIS OWN WICKEDNESS. DT 32:4 He is the ROCK, his WORK IS PERFECT: for ALL his ways are judgement: God of TRUTH and WITHOUT INIQUITY, JUST AND RIGHT is he. Eph 2:10 For we ARE HIS WORKMANSHIP, created n Yahshua the messiah unto good works, which YAH has BEFORE ORDAINED THAT WE SHOULD WALK IN THEM. 2Tim 3:16-17 ALL scripture (WORD of YAH) is given by inspiration of YAH, and is profitable for DOCTRINE, for REPROOF, for CORRECTION, and for INSTRUCTIONS IN RIGHTEOUSNESS; That the man of YAH may BE PERFECT, THOROGHLY FURNISHED UNTO ALL GOOD WORKS Eph 5:26-27 That he maight SANCTIFY and CLEANSE it with the WAHING OF WATER WHICH IS THE WORD That he might present to himself a glorious church, NOT HAVING SPOT, or WRINKLE, or any such thing. But that it should be HOLY and WITHOUT BLEMISH Do you still think u can not be PERFECT? Have u heard the call to perfection? REPENT oh ye ppl n be PERFECTED by the washin of the water(holy spirit) thru the WORD! Convert n be perfected. Be CLEANSED....be MADE WHOLE......be THOROGHLY FURNISHED......be made HOLY! For the father has called n orained u to be so. The messiah walked to SHOW U thats it possible. Do u have the faith n him that its possible? If u r not walkin n yo perfection.......its only bcuz u have yet to truly be MADE into it. Bcuz we ARE his workmanship. Amd as written, the work of YAH is PERFECT. Let this be humbling to us all and a reproof of correction to those n err. Turn ye at my reproof. For if YAH is perfect, his son was perfect and we r also CHILDREN of this perfection, y wud u not also be perfect as he is. Be blessed n may the father b with us all
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 20:17:42 +0000

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