“We cannot arrest a mad person because we know him very well,” - TopicsExpress


“We cannot arrest a mad person because we know him very well,” said Kinango AP commander Peter Musyoka after Mondays incident where an old man attacked CORD leader Raila Odinga and Hon. Salim Mvurya with a walking stick in #Okoa_Kenya rally in #Kwale. The mad man, identified by Police as LENGO MZOMBE is said to have emerged from amongst the crowd hitting Raila twice and Kwale governor Salim Mvurya on their backs before being whisked away by bodyguards. It seems even mad people know Raila Odinga personally, sources/witnesses at the scene say LENGO MZOMBE was heard saying: ...umetudanganya ya kutosha. Among all people in the crowd, the madness of LENGO MZOMBE drove him to #Raila_Odinga? The action itself to proclaim such excuse in order to defend MZOMBE is total madness. I strongly condemn such incidents where goons are hired to disrupt peaceful rallies --- just because they are opposed or do not subscribe to the course and call of the rival partys agenda. Wanaume ni Kukutana Kwa Debe, Sio vita Kwa Bakora, Vikonde na Kutupiana Viatu Hadharani kwenye Msafara. ★Kenyans Grow-Up by Show of Democracy and Political Maturity!★ Michael Wandati™
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 07:51:11 +0000

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