. What are your significant learning from this course of - TopicsExpress


. What are your significant learning from this course of Inter-Religious Studies? My significant learning from this course of Inter-Religious Studies is I become aware of Christians’ mission to dialogue and collaboration with people of other religions. I will never forget the obligation and responsibility to the mission for dialogue of salvation which is started by God, Himself for the universal salvific plan of God. It is fulfilled in Jesus Christ and he entrusted to the Church. The Church transmitted to her sons and daughters to do the mission their best for dialogue of salvation with the people of other religions. I live very much four forms of dialogue such as dialogue of life, of deeds and of specialists and of religious experiences. I realizes God’s cosmic covenant with humankind from the very beginning of creations and there are many pagan saints from patriarchal times to the present era. God elected some people as a special one through Abraham who was the father of the believers for the nations to be converted and united with their God, the Creator. The Church Father, St.Justin pointed out the action of the Logos (the word of God), Sophia (the wisdom of God), Pneuma (the Spirit of God) in his theological teaching to the believers of the Church. The spirit, which “blows where it wills” (Jn 3:8). I know Jesus in a deeper sense when I see the relationship of Jesus with the Gentiles in the Gospel. For instance, Centurian (Mt 8:10, Mk 15:39), a Canaanite woman (Mt 15:28), a Samaritan woman (Jn 4:7-15), a Good Samaritan (Lk 10:29-37), Ten Lepers ( Lk 17:11-14). The theological perspective/dimension of inclusivism that the ideas of all creatures will be saved through Jesus Christ and at the same time, the universal salvific plan of God and Jesus is the only Mediator between God and all creatures. (1 Tim 2:4-5) The Major question on “No Salvation outside the Church” the Catholic Church answer is “Yes and No”. The Church believes that all creatures will be saved in a manner known to God. All things will be united in God, the Trinity through Jesus Christ. I found the precious treasure of the Catholic Church for Inter-Religious Dialogue in Nostra Aetate which expressed the Way, the Truth and the Life ( Jn 1:6 ) for all, especially for those who response to God’s call. The Church gives to her members to proclaim the cross of Christ as the sign of God’s universal love and the source of all grace. I satisfy with all Encyclical Letters which gives a guideline for Dialogue of Salvation especially Redemtoris Missio (7 December 1990), Dialogue and Proclamation (19 May 1991). It is a mandate so I have to interiorize in daily life. I hope to attain (Metanoia ) conversion in both side of religions through dialogue and proclamation. Dialogue in the teaching of the Asian Church started in 1970 in need of the context of Asia before the Encyclical Letter of Pope John Paul II on Inter-religious dialogue. First FABC Plenary Assembly -1974 gave threefold dialogue such as (1) Dialogue with Religions (2) Dialogue with Cultures (3) Dialogue with the poor. In 1987, FABC and TAC (Theological Advisory Committee) asked the Asian theologians to write the Theses on Inter-Religious Dialogue and they published the seven THESES on inter-religious dialogue. Dialogue is the route for a common search and common pilgrimage to human wholeness and communion. It is part of God’s plan of salvation. Dialogue is divine and Trinitarian, historical, human and ecclesial. Dialogue is about individuals and communities. Dialogue builds up the local Church. I understand deeper level about the Buddhist regarding with the words of love (metta), compassion ( karuna), sympathetic-joy ( mudita) and equinity ( upekha) and also the first sermon of Gautama which are included the fundamental constitution of Buddhism. A comparison of Buddhist and Christian on the word of compassion ( Karuna) and Agape. Buddhist practice compassion in action to attain enlightenment through the authentic WISDOM. Christian practice compassion in action with knowing, understanding and free will to be united in the LOVE of God. Buddha taught his followers to love other until lay down his/her own life and to pray for their persecutor/enemy for fear of the fate. Jesus taught his followers to love other as yourself and to love enemy (Mt.5:44) for the sake of God’s love. Buddha showed his love as a loving mother. Christian compare the love of God as a loving mother (Is 49:16). Buddha teaches selfless love by giving himself to the hungry tigress. Jesus teaches (Kenosis) selfless love (Phi 2:6-11). Buddha teaches the need of detachment to liberate from suffering (dukkha). Jesus teaches the need of detachment to become a true disciple to attain a hundredfold on earth and eternal life in the next life. (Lk 14:33). Buddha moved with compassion to the suffering of sentient Beings. Jesus moved with compassion to the persons so he healed and fed them with bread and fish. (Mt 14:14, Mk 6:34), (Mt 15:32, Mk 8:2). Both Buddhists and Christians are called to save the suffering of the living beings in universe through the practice of compassion and love in our daily lives. We are challenged to heal the wounds of the mother earth by preservation of forest, of endanger animal and of all lives. We need to educate the people of our ages to preserve and promote the lives of the streams and rivers, sea and oceans where is the home of the living creature of water and also the lives of the forest and farming land where is the home of the living creature of land. We need to reduce the use of machines and industrial factories which made the pollution of the airs where is the home of the living creature of air. Let us try our best and leave the rest in the hand of God. 2. If you have a chance for further studies, which religion do you prefer to study for your professional subject? If I have a chance for further studies, I prefer not only Buddhism but also Islam and Muslim, Taoism and Confunism and other minority religions of people’s beliefs. I interested in search of True Religions but I will never think to change my belief to the other religion.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 10:10:21 +0000

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