. . .a few unsolicited observation about my current writing - TopicsExpress


. . .a few unsolicited observation about my current writing regimen: i used to be a workmanlike three hours a day kind of writer, seven days a week . . . but life (read: kids, professional responsibilities, travel, fatigue) made that pretty tough, if not impossible . . .so, ive become a cram-it-into-three-days kind of writer . . . ten hours at a go . . . i protect those three days greedily, i have to, or some outside force will eat away at them . . .a few things ive noticed: when i finally get the green light, i spend less time staring at walls and more time typing . . . the long hours and lack of outside distractions really allow me to inhabit the story, which means the story emerges more fully developed, and faster, which is fun . . .on a sentence level, though, my writing is a little lazy the first time out . . . a lot of passive forms, less description, and my blocking tends to be a little hurried, . . . the humor tends to grow out of the situations more than the descriptions, which is not a total departure for me, but a welcome one, because i end up making myself laugh more due to the spontaneity factor . . . i dont know what any of this means for this book . . . i just know that it is coming so quickly i sometimes feel like an observer myself . . . and i think thats a good thing . . . eventually, though, im going to have to pick this thing apart sentence by sentence and sink in a little deeper . . .
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 05:30:42 +0000

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