{{{fiction}}} --- It was a few days before Christmas, I was at - TopicsExpress


{{{fiction}}} --- It was a few days before Christmas, I was at the mall, was chilling, relaxing, enjoying a salted pretzel, when I saw him, the greeze face boy with the runny nose..... His name Lenard. Lenard was a snotty kid. I thought he was 12, but he was actually 16. How did I know? Because I was sitting down I told you, sitting down minding my own business Eating my Pretzel, I told you this. Anyway, there I was, chilling.. eating my pretzel, I was minding my own business when this little kid name Lenard sits down next to me, punkass kid! I didnt want him sitting next to me, so what did I do?....... I did what I always do, woman, man, or child, old, or young, restaurant, formal, place, crowded elevator, or line to go to the movies, even in Your Mommas house. I gave him one of my saved ten second farts... So I prepared myself, placed my soda down, put my left arm down on the bench, leaned to my left side, relaxed aaaannnd I let it {{{RIP!}}}..... ... {{{Faaaarrrrttt}}},... Boom, the Neutron Bomb is out......... to be continued.......... 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 2, 2, 1,....aaaah... whoops there it is..... so I thought.. w.t.f...? This kid just smiles, looks at me and rolls his eyes. I didnt change the expression on my face, I just look thought about letting out another one, when all of a sudden, this kid, this little punk kid, lol!.... he bust He says, Yeah.. I told him, I can tell you eat a lot of sugar foods kid, you know how? He replies, no, how?,,, I go on to say, because of your {{{Zits!}}} The punk kid, he blushed for a minute, then I laughed to break the ice and I just laughed. He too, he started laughing, that oily headed pimple face punk kid, I had him laughing at himself. So, so I go on to tell him. You know the kids who have a lot of pimples, the kids who pick their zits and eat the, have you seen them? He actually said yes!.. sO I go on to ask him you know why?, he says why? I ask him, well dont you know why Zits are white? He says no? I said KID!... Kid you lucky, your body stores the sugar outside your face and the people you seen eating heir zits, they know, those kids have found out and are hooked on eating their own zits, because the zits are like creamy sugar candy pods. Why dont you eat your zits, the kids asks, I reply,...... I would if I could, but Im not lucky like you, I no longer have zits, give it a shot. So the punkass kid does just that, right there in the chair he starts eating his zits. Trying so hard to get so much sugar creamy gooey sugar out of his face he though. When all of a sudden his mother comes out, see her son be messy, face all red, bleeding and zits popped, him caught taking a few licks before his mother got to him, she saw, she saw him eat the loads. BaM!.... Mom smacked his hands off his face, grabbed his punk ass off the chair and dragged him away as she walked......punk kid, told you to leave you zit eating oily face punk.......
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 23:38:06 +0000

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