01-26-2014: Steve Katz invited me to join the SPUSA [Socialist - TopicsExpress


01-26-2014: Steve Katz invited me to join the SPUSA [Socialist Party-USA], claiming it was multi-tendency. I responded with the following letter (I am a member of no political party, league, or current, but have long been a communist of Trotskyist views.): *** Steve: I was in the SPUSA in 1965-1967. I know how multi-tendency they really are. I had friends and comrades expelled from the SPUSA in 1963-1964 because they endorsed a variety of politics the right-wing SPUSA leadership didnt like. They are only multi-tendency until someone organizes a serious left-wing revolutionary-minded current or faction, at which point they expel such people. They did that in 1937 to Trotskyists in their party once the Trotskyists acquired a majority in the SPUSA. They did the same in 1918 once people sympathetic with the Russian Bolshevik 1917 socialist revolution acquired a majority in the SPUSA. They did it to Big Bill Haywood and other syndicalist-minded left-wing revolutionary labor activists in 1911-1912 once revolutionary left-wing labor syndicalists acquired a majority in the SPUSA. They let Debs alone because he never entered in the party into a serious political fight to defend left-wingers against the SPUSAs right-wing, authoritarian, anti-democratic tendency to expel or drive out of their party serious left-wing revolutionists seeking to organize a serious left-wing revolutionary-minded current or tendency in their party. Debs was a leftist. But he didnt actually participate with other left SPers in trying to organize a faction to fight the anti-democratic, authoritarian, right-wing leadership. Your party leadership has a long, long, long history of behaving like Stalinists toward left-wing currents in your party once those currents acquire or come close to acquiring a majority in your party. I know how multi-tendency you are. Youre only multi-tendency if a left-wing tendency only acts as a fake left window dressing or left cover for your authoritarian, anti-democratic, SPUSA leaderships tendency to kick out any serious leftists organizing a serious current in your party that becomes a potential majority in your party. That was so in your party in 1911. It was so in your party in 1918. It was so in your party in 1937. It was so in your party in 1963-1964. I know about your party, Some of us were not born yesterday, Steve.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 13:46:49 +0000

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