1-- What is the nature of the universe? Where does it come from? - TopicsExpress


1-- What is the nature of the universe? Where does it come from? Of what is it made? How did it come to exist? What is its purpose? By what process does it change? Is it evolving or devolving? Does it function by itself or would it degenerate to chaos without some kind of intelligent control? 2-- Is there a Supreme Being? If so, what is His nature? Did He create the universe? Does He continue to control it personally and if so, at what level? What is his relationship with man? Does he intervene in the affairs of man? Is this Being good? If this Being is good and all-powerful, how can evil exist? 3-- What is the place of man in the universe? Is man the highest fruit of the universe or is he just an insignificant speck in infinite space—or something in between? Does the spirit of man descend into matter from higher spiritual realms, or has it evolved from matter? Is the universe conscious or unconscious of man? If it is aware, is it warm and friendly to him, or cold and indifferent, or even hostile? 4-- What is reality? What is mind; what is thought? Is thought real? Where do ideas come from? Are there laws that control thought? Which is superior: mind or matter? Has mind created matter or has matter evolved mind? Does thought have any importance--does it make any difference in our lives--or is it just fantasy? 5-- What determines the fate of each individual? Is man a creator and mover of his life, or does he live at the effect of forces over which he has little control? Does free will exist or are our lives determined by outside factors—and if so, what are those factors? Is there a Supreme Force that intervenes in our lives; or is everything pre-determined from the beginning of time; or is life just random, full of coincidence and accident? 6-- What is good and what is bad or evil? What is moral? What is ethical? Who decides good and bad, right and wrong; and by what standard? Is there an absolute standard of good and bad beyond one’s the personal opinions? Should good and bad be determined by custom, by rational law, or by the situation? What if the decisions of others (society, authorities, laws, etc) determining good and bad are contrary to one’s personal beliefs or freedoms? Moreover, if we do not have free will but are ruled by outside factors, what difference does good and bad make--we have no choice. 7-- What is the good life—for the individual and for the many (society)? Why are things the way they are? How should things be ideally? What would a Utopian society, a heaven on earth, be like? Is it even possible to create a Utopia? If so, how? Would not a Utopia assure personal freedom? What, then, should you do with those who don’t cooperate? 8-- What is the ideal relation between the individual and the state? Should the individual serve the state or the state serve the individual? What is the best form of government and what is the worst? When is a man justified in rebelling against the established order and creating a new state? 9-- He who controls education controls the future. What is education? How should the young be educated—what is important and what not? Who should control education: the parents, the student, the society or the state? Should a student be taught to think for himself or to adopt the beliefs of the society? Should man be educated to be free and live for his own interests; or to subjugate his desires to serve others or the state? 10-- What happens at death? Is death the end of everything or is there a soul in man that continues to exist beyond death? If so, is that soul immortal or does it too eventually cease to exist? If the soul does continue to exist after death, what is the nature of that existence? If there is an existence after death, is “good” rewarded and “bad” punished? If so, how do you reconcile this with the concept of predestination? Psycanics is a modern philosophy that answers most of these questions and many more. It is a science of Being, Mind, Emotion, Love, Power, Wisdom and Happiness, at the cutting edge of human knowledge today. See psycanics for more information. Level 0: Study, Learning and Intelligence* Level 1: Cosmology Level 2: Fundamentals of Existence Level 3: The Causal Sequence, BE, FEEL and Love* Level 4: THINK, DO and HAVE. Level 5: Reality Level 6: Creation and Manifestacion Level 7: Discreation Level 8: Relationships, Couples and Children Level 9: Communication and Negotiation Level 10: Piloting Level 11: Centauro: Body and Health for Spirits Level 12: Education: New Paradigms Level 13: Money and Abundance. Level 14: Organizations: New Paradigms Level 15: Psycanic Leadership Level 16: Society, Government, and Religion Level 17: Personal Liberty in an Unfree World Level 18: Introduction to Mysticism: How to Find God
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 00:23:45 +0000

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