1. Christ speaks as a newborn baby Three times we find an - TopicsExpress


1. Christ speaks as a newborn baby Three times we find an astonishing report in the Quran about the speech of the newborn Son of Mary, still lying in the manger. The fact of his speaking is mentioned twice (Suras Āl Imran 3:46; al- Maida 5:110). The content of his speech can be read in detail in Sura Maryam 19:24-33. The unbelievable story that the newborn Isa could talk perfectly is explained in different ways by the commentators on the Quran. Some say, Isa needed only minutes, others assume hours, until he could pronounce letters, words and sentences without mistakes. His brain was fully developed right from birth, and his comprehension, feeling and logical abilities developed within a very short time, or so they claim. Why do Muslim commentators believe and discuss in this phenomenon? They read in the Quran that Christ is a word of Allah in person. The Almighty taught him the Torah, the proverbs of Solomon, the Gospel, and the Original Book in heaven, before his birth (Sura Āl Imran 3:48). He was born into the world full of knowledge, intelligence and the ability to speak. He had to utter Allahs words continually from birth to death. He was like an eruption of revelation from his Lord. The Quran confirms that the Son of Mary was not a normal human being, but a spirit of Allah in the flesh. He descended from the surroundings of the Eternal One (Sura Āl Imran 3:45) and possessed great knowledge and spiritual capacity exceeding that of any other mortal. These speculative statements in the Quran come close to the Christian understanding of the incarnation of the Son of God in the Gospel. Jesus was born as a real human baby wrapped in cloths. His mother Mary never told the Greek doctor, Luke, anything about speeches her son made right after his birth because as a baby he was unable to talk and needed time to develop (Luke 2:40,52). Where does this imaginative story come from? In the apocryphal childhood gospels of the Syrian and Coptic Christians we find hints of such reports. Mothers used to sing cradlesongs about baby Jesus to their children to get them to sleep. The sources of the story about the talking baby Jesus are known in detail today. Muhammad heard such childrens stories from Syrian slaves and Coptic Christians and – believed them! He believed more than the Fathers of the Church, who did not include such fairy tales in the canon of the Bible because they did not happen. So Muhammad appeared to be a credulous seeker of truth, but was no prophet. He could not distinguish between fables and reality. As regards the content of the so-called speech of the newborn Son of Mary (Sura Maryam 19:24-33) the baby wanted first of all to comfort his young mother because she had borne him without being married. She knew that she should be stoned. Therefore the newborn Isa encouraged her with the news that she had given birth to an outstanding person under a palm tree in the desert. In Arabic one expression for an exceptional person is suriyun, with the plurals surawaa, asriyaa or saraat (all stemming from the Arabic root S-R-W). But jealous readers of the Quran changed the vowel and the meaning of this word into little creek or brook (which in Arabic is sariyun) by deriving it from the root S-R-Y having the plurals asriyat or suryaan. Muslim readers were angry because Isa as a newborn child was already placed higher than Muhammad, so they simply changed the vowel and meaning from exceptional personality to rivulet, even though their interpretation makes less sense. The newborn child then told his mother to shake the trunk of a palm tree and make ripe dates fall on her so that she could strengthen herself after the painful birth. What Bedouin logic! Several men are unable to shake a palm tree. How could a young mother do this just after giving birth? In the days of Muhammad the life of the Bedouins was hard, twice as hard for women and mothers. At the end of his first speech Isa told his desperate young mother what she should tell everybody who would ask her about the origin of the newborn child that she had promised Allah the Merciful a fast and not to talk to anyone that day. Thus the first suggestion that the newborn Isa taught his mother was a trick, a ruse, and a lie, to save her from immediate danger. The report goes on to show how the newborn baby defended his mother against angry villagers by introducing himself as a blessed prophet in his second speech as a baby in the Quran. Those who consider this story objectively will see how dream and reality mingle and become a Fata Morgana in the mind of Muhammad. The entire Quran is a mixture of fact and fiction.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 08:13:10 +0000

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