1.) Previous meeting notes and minutes: New Winter Storm Tallies: - TopicsExpress


1.) Previous meeting notes and minutes: New Winter Storm Tallies: We did keep a tight budget and Only had $400.00 in expense. But Lease at Merchant is Now due at $500.00 and we do not have it..- We had discussed the Merchant Street Location and decided to allow Landlord to release the building and Clear rental obligation. **See section that follows 2.) Sales of Items- returned item cost and we are negative on the income side for this period. Total Negative = $45.00 3.) Other activity: a.) We have met with several local organizations and made excellent contacts for future engagement and support. I was introduced to Pay It Forward Inc.. Local Charity that helps with household items by donation , then given to displaced families. I was going to give our larger item donations to them, as we have been donating to Salvation Army and Penny Pincher solely. I would like to have your thoughts on this?. They are apparently affiliated Now with connecting Link. Decided That Pay It Forward would our Furniture Donations drop off and recipient. We will also go to Penny Pincher and Salvation Army with items as PIF fills it’s stock. b.) Met with and secured a new meeting location for business meetings. We have the CVB Conference room on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 3Pm for our Monthly meeting and reports. Thought to include invites to other organizations to allow them to see what we are doing. Your thoughts on this? *** Note We decided that having the Friday meeting at Firehouse would continue as long as there were members who preferred this venue and meeting time and place. Your Thoughts on this? Decided by Members To Have only the 2 nd Wednesday of the Month Meeting at the CVB. We are thankful to Firehouse Café for being so accommodating, and will continue too support this location and will hold our special and Interim Meetings there. c.) Met with New prospective landlord: Cliff at 207 Fairmont avenue ( Former health Naturally store location.. It is 1200SF and cost $750.00 per month, we may have an option to share the space with another, and split the costs. It is move-in ready and more accessible than Merchant Street. Hope there would be discussion on this, and decide? Discussion and Decided, The location at Fairmont Avenue should be worked out and taken, given It’s Downtown Fmt. Historic center location and possible grant funding for location, as well as visibility, accessibility and parking . d.) There were no cash donations for this period and None pending.. We need to have a fundraiser of some type- We Need $3,800.00- $4,500.00 ASAP..Decided to form a fundraising committee to come up with plans for fundraiser.. discussed several possibilities.. and also decided to pursue a “CF” crowdfunding platform. It is required for: 800.00 IRS Fee for filing, $200.00 Bond for Insurance. For any Association in WV $ 500.00 Merchant Street Rent ( Project SLB backed out of splitting the rent, in fact there has been no contact with them, or even returned phone calls ( 5) or emails (3).) $400.00 State filing fees and Charity registration. ( Includes $180.00 for Required Handyman License Contractor License.) $800.00 for pending Job Materials needed (** Note upon completion of one of these jobs… family plans to make donation for the work. Amount unknown) $750.00 for Prospective new Location Office..$300.00 for lot and storage Unit rentals where we are storing items from donation, and some of these are for sale. And the remaining $500.00 - $1200.00 est. for New Jobs when we officially begin operations by April 1, 2014. We are going to speak with pending job work clients ( who expressed a desire to donate) and Collect. these donations on these projects..and begin and complete their work. A Member volunteered to donate the $400.00 needed and We will get the licensing required by State and be compliant and Legal this coming week. We are going to focus on Priority Operating expenses, License and Registrations , so we may seek assistance in Potential Grant Funding. Rent for Fairmont Avenue will be paid as soon as possible. e.) We began operation of our County wide neighborhood watch, and such has been instrumental in saving a client substantial funds on an unlicensed, uninsured party offering to do work for double any reasonable estimated . We did also assist Contractor’s licensing board with several inquires about rogue workers in area. They appreciated our support, and look forward to working with us and our clients. Decided to drop this effort as It is beyond Scope of Exmpt Purpose, We will support Individually If we choose, But The AWVA will allow this effort to grow on it’s own volition. f.) We Have a new website domain it is : access-wv.org... Cost was $85.00 ( pd by Robert) We have a holder page there, and need assistance in getting an actual page up.. May have volunteer otherwise cost is estimated at $500-750.00 for services I checked with., We will also have a Domain renewal fee of $179.99 for 3 years or $99.99 for a single year. Decided that 1 Year at $99.99 then we will see…A wonderful volunteer set up the webpage which is now live at our own domain, and All members thought it looked Great! We saved $500.00-750.00 by this Gracious donors quality work and Now have a website. g.) We have met personally with “ Disability Action Center” , HRDF ( via telephone and email contact, BAD Building Program in Fairmont, The National center of Volunteers, We are subscribed to get project volunteers and post Job work opportunity for client projects. This is Free WV.gov site. Also met casually with FCDP and at least a dozen or so business owners.. all “like what we are offering/doing… none have pledged any support.. at least until we are IRS and State Tax-Exempt. Connecting Link- has failed to return at least 6 phone calls, and that was the last one I will make… Amy Hammond at HUD was greeted and handed our card and given a jittery rendition of our mission state, while I was drugged and sick from pneumonia. I imagine they may support by referral only. Habitat for Humanity was not able to be reached as of yet. I am also going to work some with the City Planner of the Building Program, I am going to City Council and County Meetings to make a short introduction.. Could use some assistance.// Please let me know if you are available. Discussed continue building Inter Agency relations, and Using Volunteer site h.) New revision of mission statement has been drafted and is up for vote by the body of members in attendance. Your thoughts and vote will count on this. Document was reviewed by members and accepted as New Mission statement. i.) We have Identified $140,000.00 of Grant Funding which we could immediately access, If we had legal obligation take care of.. But Lack funding to complete. So, This funding though realistic and accessible, is for the moment hypothetical. We need ideas on how to meet this need and get funding or face closing down operations or scaling back to a static state. Please comment suggest or offer to assist. Discussed and arrived at Decision that we need carry out the initial filing steps and then access all funding possible and pertinent to EP of AWVA. j.) We need a new desktop computer system.. Donated hopefully since we have no funds to procure one. My personal system has crashed 5 times and screen is flickering the flicker of death… Discussed and decided to get ahold of NPO that helps with computers and Robert stated he was able to clear the current “ relic” and It should hold for awhile longer. Chief Executive Director’s report_- I am saddened that we have not become financially viable. I had originally thought I might fund this from personal budget, But said funding is not feasible or viable, even if Sales of all my personal and business items would occur, It would only fund operations for 1-2 Months. maximum. ( and the items are not selling) I had thought to sell my SUV Jet Ski and Sound system, or take out a loan against, But no such loan can be secured on these items. I had hoped with my Church ties and service we may be assisted by Council of Churches, and this is not going to happen.. For what reason, I do not know..It does not really matter.. Perhaps , we took on too large a target. I have been exposed to the interior working of the Charitable concerns in our area…and perhaps to a fault of my own, insist that we comply legally and ethically and morally to All Licensures and code.. ** Not hide in a loophole of another organization, or even my church , since that would simply be manipulating the system and suggesting an untrue position of this association, and it’s relation to said entity. But,It has become apparent that this is quite commonplace, and many organizations do this questionable practice, as routine or for function prior to their viability, and autonomy. Fundraisers for individuals that have insurance and coverage based upon a misleading “Bleeding Heart Pitch”. Some turned Pseudo Causes and movements with their own line of Paraphernalia and 6-10 events monthly.. It is rather disheartening, and I simply refuse to engage in it. If we… together; cannot fund this Cause properly, and by being completely open and providing Full disclosure , legal and ethical moral Imperatives also met squarely, even if inconvenient. Then perhaps it should not be at all. It is at this time and meeting that this ad hoc and Executive Board of Director’s make available this position of: Chief Executive Director ( My current post) to any qualified and committed party , that holds interest in serving this position. Your Vote and Nomination will be recorded on this meeting date, and subsequently confirmed on the 12th day of March 2014 at 3pm at CVB Conference room meeting. ***If this fine group wants me to stay on in any capacity, even advisory, I will be more than pleased to serve, in any manner You see fit. I apologize for failing you. I have worked for the past 4 months without sleep most times 14-18 hours daily on this work and care a great deal about this Association and all the work and service it is capable and has sought to perform. But, in review, I am the only person to blame for this failure, and if it costs this group and /or our clients any possible resource. The only ethical action is for me to step down, and fill the post with someone more suited to serve it efficiently. Regards: Robert Bohigian Discussed and decided that Robert needs put on his “ big boy pants” and do what he is capable of doing. And cut the whining. Group refused to accept Robert’s withdrawal, and is NJow stuck with him as CED Pres. Matters that need Voted on or Discussed- 1.) Meetings at CVB and also having Meeting at Firehouse Café on Fridays. Vote – Should we continue Both meetings or only CVB Meeting? Vote 1 Meeting at CVB -passed 2.) Building Office at 207 Fairmont Avenue $750.00 monthly or possible split rent… Will be $800.00 monthly after 1st 6 months. Vote – Yes passed 3.) Website design and hosting Cost $179.99 for 3 years or $99.99 Monthly. Vote- Yes or No 3.1.) Do we design a website for ourselves and seek free service or seek paid service at $500.00- 750.00 one time fee? Vote A) Service for Free and wait on website B.) Pay for contract to have site built Vote 1 Yr at $99.99 and Thank You so much to Sharon our expert site designer who saved us $500.00-750.00 expenses. Site is also approved by Members.- Passed 4.) Do we continue in lease on Merchant Street and Pay $500.00 due now, and $500.00 monthly? A.) Pay $500.00 and abandon lease B.) Pay Nothing and allow lease to expire C.) Continue Lease since it is prime property and a great storage location Pay $500.00 Vote to make certain we clear up with Landlord and allow him to rent the premises . Thank Him and make sure we leave with reputation clear and intact. Robert will alert him this weekend 5.) Do we have a fundraiser for Funds needed to begin operations and pay all license and registration fees? Vote- Yes or No 5.1) Ideas and fundraising suggestions- Who will help? Vote—Discussion and pick parties who can start this action. Yes Passed- *** We will be forming a New “ Fundraising Committee for such actions and Robert and Others will draft CF Campaigns for Kickstarter dedicating dollars and other online sites. *Fundraiser Committee shall be created and they will decide the fund rasing activity for the AWVA.- Passed 6.) We have 4 Jobs in progress that require funding, Do we A) Complete jobs and schedule no more work immediately? B.) Seek alternative funding I.E. Client donations or funds for materials and use volunteer workers to complete? C.) Reschedule until we can conduct fundraiser or qualify and receive proposed grant funding? ( We may be able to have Robert complete most work personally with John’s assistance and any volunteers we may gather? Vote passed, Robert Jon and Nikki will get with others and get these jobs done. Donations from said jobs will be used to firm up filings and Rent at Fairmont Avenue. 7.) Nominate or accept nominations for Chief Executive Director position? Discussed and Motion Failed… The Members want Robert to stay on and do his job! Old Business: outlined in aforementioned But any matter not addressed, should be brought here. New Business: 1.) Proposed adoption of using Loose fitting Robert Rules of order Parliamentary Procedure. Vote- Passed To wit: any member may bring a motion, by verbally stating such, If there is no second to the motion the motion is dropped.. If there is a second to the motion… discussion should consist of “three” members voice for Pro/ Con ( for or against) to the proposed motion. Discussion ends.. Vote taken simple majority will suffice for most matters, But any substantial change should be voted by approval of 2/3 or all members casting a vote. Vote tally taken Passed or Failed? Recorded in the minutes of meeting. Proposed using this method of maintaining order and expediting meetings. It will be explained if any question. Vote Yes 2.) Should we cease all services, until such time as The Association is funded and legally and ethically and morally compliant. Vote- No – we will continue to serve and get pending jobs completed and begin taking applications through website and telephone. 3.) Pending Executive Board member confirmation. Robert Bohigian – Agent of process and Chief Executive Director Passed Assistant Executive Director- Client services- Nominee ( At meeting they will state qualifications) and body will confirm or deny. Chief Financial/ Fiscal Officer—Nominated pending confirmation Secretary to the Board- Nomination and confirmation Assistant Executive Director /Contractor Relations- Nominate and Confirm Executive Director Coordinator –Resources and Inter agency Relations—Nominate and confirm, **** Note this matter may be delayed if we do not have nominees or the body prefers to table until March 12, 2014 Meeting. We do have a prospective Nomination application for Ex. Board position. I will elaborate in meeting . Executive Board Members will be discussed and confirmed at March 12 Meeting at CVB SET AGENDA FOR MARCH 12, 2014 MEETING MOTION TO ADJOURN OR ADJOURNMENT.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 13:56:08 +0000

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