10 TIPS FOR ATTENDING A JOB FAIR Feel free to leave comments, - TopicsExpress


10 TIPS FOR ATTENDING A JOB FAIR Feel free to leave comments, suggestions or questions. 1. Devise a plan for the day. Know which employers you want to connect with ahead of time, and prioritize them. Show up with an ample supply of resumes, enthusiasm, energy, and a snack to keep you going. 2. Dress like you would for an interview. What you wear is important. If you’re not dressed professionally, that’s just one more hurdle you’ll have to overcome. Employers notice details; some complain about wrinkled ties, scuffed shoes, or inappropriate jewelry. 3. Research the companies that will be there. The No. 1 complaint from employers is that candidates simply didn’t take the time to learn about the company and its opportunities in advance. If you don’t have time to research every company, select the top five to 10 companies you’d like to work for and research those. When you research the organizations that are expected to attend the fair beforehand, you may surprise them with your knowledge, and impress them with the initiative you took to research the company’s mission, purpose, and clients served. 4. Remember that this is a networking opportunity. As a job seeker, you should collect as many business cards as possible and make a good first impression. Then, when its time to apply for an open position, you can stand out by referencing that connection in your cover letter or introduction email. 5. Be prepared to answer questions about yourself. Many employers open the conversation with: “Tell me about yourself. Be prepared to state your name, a brief statement about yourself, and why you’re interested in the organization you’re talking to. Be concise; you don’t have much time to make your impression before the recruiter is on to the next person. If an employer asks where you’re currently working, and you’re not, just say something like, “my most recent employment was with …” and move on by describing your skills or what you learned in that job. 6. Listen to everyone around you. If you find yourself waiting in line to speak with an employer, make your time count. Listen to others’ conversations and implement what you hear from the employer into your own exchange. 7. Be Enthusiastic. This is not the time to be laid back, casual, and cool, Brooks says. Demonstrate your interest with a firm handshake, good eye contact, a smile, and a good conversation with the company representative. Always remember that a company recruiter is not a career counselor, so there’s no need to discuss anything about your job search with them. Focus on your talents, and link them to the organization. 8. Apply online after you meet with a company rep. People struggle with this notion but even though an employer may take your paper resume at a job fair, that doesnt necessarily make you a candidate. For the employers you target, don’t just research the company website; also access the job listings page and apply online. This way, you can tell the employer at the fair that you have already applied online prior to speaking to them. This is a huge advantage. If you wait until after the job fair to apply for a job online, use the knowledge you gained from speaking with the recruiter at the fair to highlight whats really important from the organizations point of view. And don’t forget to reference that conversation you had with the recruiter in your written materials. 9. Make sure you have that wow factor. Each employer is meeting hundreds, maybe thousands, of candidates in a day. Just saying ‘hi’ and dropping off your resume is not enough effort.” Tell the employer your unique story, career accomplishments, and what sets you apart from and above all other potential candidates. “This extra effort is what will get you noticed.” 10. Follow up by email. Be prepared to follow up with the recruiters soon after you meet them. Ask for a business card, and send thank you emails. Job fairs are all about the personal touch. They can also help build a candidate’s confidence. If you look at these events with an open mind, a sense of adventure, and as an opportunity to learn, you are maximizing your involvement.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 04:46:22 +0000

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