11/10/2014.... ok...I am LED to share this post...and it is - TopicsExpress


11/10/2014.... ok...I am LED to share this post...and it is soo sad...but true. The pictures here signify somethings...the FIRST one is me holding a Bible,DRESSED AS The Man of God...The SECOND one is of me looking toward Heaven...at The Father in Heaven (my boss)...and the LAST one is of me receiving REVELATION FROM God,concerning a Thing. Here is The Post: The Lord aaid unto me, Come to Me.Come,Man of God,ONE of My Apostles...let me have counsel with you. So,I did. I came before Him...beseeching Him to speak to me. I NEED to hear Him.I WANT to hear Him...in Jesus Name. Then He began to speak. Thus Saith The Lord: I will reveal some things to you concerning THIS season. Hear what The Lord God of Heaven saith.There are SOME that are sitting in other peoples Ministries. I say OTHER peoples,because I,The Lord,am NOT there and I didnt set CERTAIN Ministries up. I will send you to them,to INVITE them to come to The Theology Class,which I will use The Word of God,through Jesus Christ,Street & Outreach Ministry to host. These are they have SOME have NOT earthly credentials,because they are considered SHEEP.Some DO have license,but they ONLY register in the earth realmn and NOT in The Spirit Realm. Thats WHY they can HAVE license and STILL be on the bench. Thats WHY they can STILL have license in the EARTH realm that SAYS reverend,chaplain,arch bishop,Most reverend,elder,bishop,but STILL they have NO POWER,because NONE OF THOSE are listed in the 5 Fold Ministry! I want to CORRECT those man-made errors.There are even SOME that DO have license that say Apostle, Prophet, Prophetess, Evangelist,Pastor,(FEW say Teacher),but have INTRUDED in the WRONG Office,so THEIR licenses dont MATCH The Anointing that I have placed on their LIVES. So, STILL,I am willing to correct those errors. I will send you to THOSE that I want to elevate and I will CONFIRM this Word to them that HEAR Me. SOME have ALREADY heard Me,so I HAVE to Bless them to come in contact with The Ministry. Dont give up. There ARE those that I have NOT set up and WANT to help,but their hearts are hardened. They are COMPLACENT with having a paper that says the wrong Office,and those that have a NON EXISTENT Office,according to HEAVEN...they dont mind...because THEY are THEY that DONT KNOW ME! Be NOT discouraged! I WILL SEND MINE.They SHALL come and enter THEREIN.I WILL tell you who to allow IN and who to fellowship WITH.I AM the Husbandman. Be still,because they are ON their way. LOOK!! SEE THEM? NEXT...I desire to use The Ministry to go out and hand out care packages.I have a remnant of people that I HAVE Blessed to be ABLE to help and SHALL Bless,if they AGREE to help.I will even use UNsaved to help sow into The Work. The HEART of a man is exposed by his actions AND his words.Folk LIE using MY Name and have NO REMORSE! i will DEAL WITH THEM and even those that DISOBEY Me,The God of Heaven.There ARE SOME that I HAVE instructed to pour into The Ministry,but when I poured oiut TO them,they went their OWN way.Think NOT that I am as OTHER gods that CANT see,and that DONT talk and that ARENT breathing...for I AM HE THAT LIVETH ALWAYS AND WILL NOT HAVE AN END! I will continue to show you WHO to send posts to,whether in a group OR on a PERSONAL page...and when I say DO,then you DO. When some of them write back and claim to be OVER the room OR the group,then I will settle acounts with them.You are NOT to swing the Axe that I have given you. I AM The One Who uses The Axe that I gave unto you. When I say SWING,then you SWING. No matter HOW HIGH the mountains are,they will NOT STAND before THE WORD that I give unto you...because I GIVE THE WORDS.Those that try and DEFEND a room or a group on facebook are COWARDS! Tell them to come to ME. I guarantee that they will remain dumb. I will SUPERCEED THEIR mere human wisdom,which is NOT wisdon at ALL! Fear NOT,Apostle...Fear NOT,Man of God,for I have joined others on the SAME Mission that you are ON. The SAME Mission that I have set THE to, there are OTHERS that are ALSO on that SAME ROAD.You SHALL see them! They HONOR Me,tHEY worship Me,They GLORIFY ME...and BECAUSE of that,when I tell them to do something...when I tell THEM to pour out...when I tell THEM to reward The Ministry...The Service that I have put together,THEY SHALL, because they REALIZE that ALL that THEY have I gave unto them. They are a VESSEL...a CHANNEL FOR Blessings,NOT a plug that STOPS Blessings. THEIR Bread is cast upon the waters...and there,many days AFTER,they WILL find it. So,be VERY Strong and of a GOOD courage.worry NOT...fret NOT...be NOT discouraged...because I AM! And I WILL BLess ALL who HEAR Me and that HELP those that have NOT. SOME people I have sent you to,KNOWING that they will close their fist,so that they CAN lose what they have! I wont take it,for I am not a TAKER...but their OWN SELFISHNESS WILL rob from them! THIS I,The Lord,have spoken. And I am moving right now...how do you know? Because I AM.When those that try to be their OWN way makers and bosses and GREAT ones ask you,WHO TOLD YOU TO POST THIS, OR I dont permit this,so why did you do it? Tell them that I AM HATH told me to SHARE this information. saith The Lord of Heaven,in Jesus MATCH-LESS Name,Amen. (given BY I AM unto ONE of His MODERN DAY Apostles,Apostle A.E.Coleman,Jr.) (C)2014 THE WORD OF GOD,THROUGH JESUS CHRIST,STREET & OUTREACH MINISTRY** ++ALL RIGHTS RESERVED++(203)745-8162**Incorporated in CO,CT,NC,SC,MS,TN,TX,WI** OurChurch/member/t/TheWordofGod/ ~PLEASE EXCUSE ANY AND ALL TYPOS THAT YOU SEE IN THIS DOCUMENT~
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 20:14:53 +0000

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