11.26.14 Bible Study - 1 Samuel 30 v 1-19 In the chapters prior - TopicsExpress


11.26.14 Bible Study - 1 Samuel 30 v 1-19 In the chapters prior to chapter 30 the following occurs: This lesson occurs during the time when Saul was King. David was once his armor bearer but in time Saul sought to kill David because of the anointing on his life. David escaped from Saul and met with King Achish who was ruler of the Philistines. King Achish assigned the city of Ziklag to be Davids residence. David raided and killed Israelites due to his alliance to the Philistines. He killed men, women and children because he feared if he did not then King Achish would find out and want him dead. David aligned with the Philistines which were gentiles and not Gods chosen people. Often in life we feel backed into a corner and we will make decisions to or align with people that we know God does not want in our lives. We choose to handle things in our own strength rather than trusting in God. David dwelt in Ziklag for over a year and four months. During his absence with his army to try and join the Philistine against the Israelites Ziklag was destroyed by the Amalekites. Read chapter 30 v 1-19 v 1-6 When the Amalekites destroyed Ziklag they captured all the sons, daughters, wives and possessions. David was distressed and the Philistines now wanted to stone him. I imagine that David felt very lonely in this time as many of us have felt when we stray from Gods perfect will. When people are not part of our destiny and we surround ourselves with people that God did not call to be in our lives he will allow them to evict us from their lives through their actions. In this time David encouraged himself in the Lord. We as Christians need to know that although the world, our family or friends may betray us that we can always turn to God. v 7 David asked for the ephod. The ephod is a priestly garment and is associated with the presence of God in scripture or those who had a special relationship with God. We have the holy spirit within us therefore we have such an amazing opportunity to always be connected to God and to enjoy the benefits of being His children. v 8 David sought God and the Lord told him to pursue and conquer the Amalekites and recover all. I found these scriptures to be so amazing because most of us when we leave Gods perfect will wont feel comfortable going to him right away. But David had such a certainty about his relationship with God that even though just a few chapters prior he murdered (his people) Gods chosen people he knew he could come to God and be forgiven and restored. That is true spiritual boldness, we should all have that boldness. That is the boldness of a child that knows that he is loved by his father. We should all know and have the revelation that no matter what mistakes we have made God loves us and all we have to do is come to Him and He will receive us with open arms and restore us. When we dont have this revelation the devil will use our past mistakes to make us feel unworthy or disqualified but we are not disqualified and God is always waiting for us with open arms. v 11-15 David meets the Egyptian who along with the Amalekites come and destroyed Zilkag as it mentioned in verse 1. The Egyptian has been abandoned by his master because while they were invading Zilkag he became ill. I was astounded when I read this scripture because I realized that while David was with the Philistine army and out of the will of God and away from the path that God had designed for him, God was orchestrating the steps and putting the people in place that would lead David right back to the path that God had for him. Our mistakes do not disqualify us from the destiny that God has for us. Even while we were making mistakes in the past God was putting everything in place to bring us back to the destiny He has for us. In v 15 David agrees to spare this Egyptians life if he shows him where the Amalekites are. Now the Egyptian is receiving a blessing from the errors David has made. God will turn our mistakes into testimonies and use us to bless others. v 16-18 David conquers and the bible says that he recovered ALL. I felt from God that this was the word for us. God wants to restore ALL that we thought was lost. His restoration is a complete one. As we turn back to God and walk in faith we will receive a full restoration. David turned to God in v 6-8 but he didnt simply pray and do nothing. He prayed and received a word from God and he took back what was stolen by force. We as Christians need to seek God but also we need to be violent in the spirit. If the enemy is trying to attack our families, finances, etc we shouldnt lay back and take it. We should do spiritual warfare, pray for others, read our bible, evangelize this is how we fight the enemy in the spirit. The bible says that the violent take it by force, lets be violent and not allow the enemy to toss us about. If we truly understood 3 things we would never lay back and take abuse from the enemy and we would be unstoppable 1) Our identity in God 2) The anointing (divine power to do miracles, signs and wonders) that is within us 3) That no matter what we have done God loves us and will always be there for us if we seek after him. God is offering us a new beginning in this season. Lets be obedient and realize who we are and that He that is in us is greater than he that is in the world.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 03:55:11 +0000

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