12 Miraculous Health Benefits of Black Tea Has anyone ever - TopicsExpress


12 Miraculous Health Benefits of Black Tea Has anyone ever criticized your choice in having caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee? Over indulging in anything will have negative consequences, but having that extra cup of tea might not be as bad a people imagine. Green tea often gets the most press when it comes to health benefits, but if you are a fan of a richer flavor and deeper color then, black tea is the tea for you. Despite its lack of attention black tea is still regarded as one of the best for your health. According to the University of North Dakota tea is thought to have originated in China and exports from there began around 1,000 years ago. So what is so great about black tea, you might ask, well I will tell you! Provides Antioxidants Black tea is an amazing source of antioxidants like polyphenols, which help in curbing down DNA damage. They also aid in curing hearing troubles such as Parkinson’s disease. Increase Immunity The principal compound in black tea that enhances immunity is alkylamine antigens. Black tea helps us in upholding our health from common diseases like cold and flu. The tannins in tea combat various infectious viruses. Oral Health Studies funded by the Tea Trade Health Research Association suggests that black tea reduces plaque formation as well as restricts bacteria growth that promotes the formation of cavities and tooth decays. Polyphenols found in black tea kill and surpass cavity-causing bacteria as well as hinder the growth of bacterial enzymes that form the sticky-like material that binds plaque to our teeth. Cancer Prevention Though a lot more research is required to confidently suggest cancer prevention techniques, some research over the years suggests that antioxidants like polyphenol and catechins in tea may help prevent some types of cancer. Healthy Bones It has also been suggested that regular tea drinkers have stronger bones and lower probability of developing arthritis due to the phytochemicals found in tea. Stress Relief We all are aware and well experienced about the calming and relaxing benefits of black tea. Not only does it help slow you down after a long day, studies show that the amino acid L-theanine found in black tea can help you relax and concentrate better. Black tea has also been shown to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol when consumed in moderate amounts on a regular basis. Lower Risk of Diabetes Based on a research study conducted of elderly people living in the Mediterranean islands it was discovered that people that had been consuming black tea on a long-term basis on a moderate level (i.e 1-2 cups a day) had a 70% lower chance of having or developing type 2 diabetes. Reduce Cardiovascular Problems Certain studies over the years have established that there is a direct relationship between increased black tea consumption and a decrease in cardiovascular disease. In 2001, Boston University found in a study that both short-term, as well as long-term drinking of black tea, actually reverses something called endothelial vasomotor dysfunction in patients with coronary artery disease. This is a dysfunction that basically serves as a predictor for even more serious coronary events. The conclusions in the study backed up a previously held link between black tea and its propensity to lower cardiovascular problems. Improves Digestion Consumption of black tea every day maintains the health of the digestive tract because of the tannin contents into it. These tannins help you to get rid of intestinal and gastric ailments. Increases Energy Black tea helps in enhancing blood flow to the brain and hence; it is considered to be an energizing drink. Moderate amount of caffeine in body stimulates alertness, metabolism, and brain function. Aids in Weight Loss Being low in fat, sodium, and calories, black tea is also good in watching over the weight. However, to sweeten the tea, avoid sugar and use honey or stevia leaves. lower Cholesterol Black tea drops down the level of triglycerides and bad cholesterol in the body. This supports in keeping the heart healthy. Sources: webmd/vitamins-and-supplements/black-tea-uses-and-risks chinesefood.about/library/weekly/aa021103a.htm
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 13:12:28 +0000

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