14/9/2014. ॐ श्रीपरमात्मने नमः - TopicsExpress


14/9/2014. ॐ श्रीपरमात्मने नमः । There are some dogmatic believes prevalent in society since long, without any known source of origination. In the most of cases they are always vogue, uncertain, and unauthenticated. Nobody knows who initiated those believes. Nobody knows whether they have backing of Shastra (Scriptures) or not, they have never been tested whether they hold truth or not. Their long prevalence in society itself is regarded as a Shastra Vachan, and as these believes are convenient to mass people, all try to be testimony, protector and upholders of these beliefs. If you go into details, you find that they have no roots in the Shastra and they have deliberately been incorporated by the vested interests. One such prevalent ignorance is that the realization of God is subject to your bodily efforts. But we saw that Atman is superior to body, senses, mind and intellect. It is Rule of System that whatever is superior, it can’t be subject to authority of the inferior. So Atman can’t be subject to authority of body, senses, mind and intellect. One more fact we shall have to take into consideration is, the inferior can’t command the superior. The inferior can’t requisite the superior. So your bodily efforts can’t command or requisite the Atman. We also saw that perishable means can’t help attain the eternal ends. Atman is the only eternal entity in the body, which has temporarily allowed the body its proximity. Now Atman is doing nothing directly. It is a non active entity. Everything just happens with the presence of Atman. As Atman is non active entity, it does not react, doesn’t act, doesn’t participate and doesn’t involve in any activity. So how to reach out to it is a problem. So how to proceed in such circumstances? We have earlier seen that awareness is the key to all problems. Awareness prerequisites the quietness and clarity of mind. So again we can see that when mind becomes quiet, non wavering, the ground is prepared for the phenomenon to begin. For mind to become quiet and unwavering, you must be desireless. If desires are there, mind will be chasing desires, and it can’t be unwavering and steady. To become desireless you must be fully tuned with the System. There are two ways: one is events and things start happening exactly same as you desire, but it is totally futile as your proposes have always been disproposed. The other is believing that I am ignorant; I don’t know what is right and what is wrong. What looks to me right at the spur of this moment turns to be looking wrong the next moment. I have limited perspective of life as well as time. I only know past time. The present moment comes but before I visualize, it turns into past. I don’t know future at all. Whereas Parmatma knows past, present and future. He is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. He has cared a lot for me. When I am asleep, he runs my heart every day. He produces red blood out of white bread and pumps blood into veins. He produces hormones and runs almost entire body machine without bothering me for the same. So I have no reason to disbelieve that he will not make better decisions for me. And after all my desires have nothing to do to what really transpires. So why should on earth I should bother myself to desire for me. Why should I not sleep fearlessly keeping my head in His lap? As Arjuna made Krishna his charioteer, I must also hand over the reins of my life-chariot into His hands and declare that : “Let Thy will prevail” as was said by Jesus. This makes you desireless. Then your mind becomes steady, unwavering, quiet and clear. Many people tell me that their mind is not becoming steady. As long as mind chases desires, it will not become steady. The desireless mind has nothing to chase. It is not that mind wants to run behind the desires. You compel it to run after desires. It has totally tired of incessant chasing of subjects since millions of years. So if you create this understanding in you, you will find that your mind has become steady and still. Then the other part can begin. More tomorrow. हरिः ॐ तत् सत् ।
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 01:22:51 +0000

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