2 May mercy and peace and love be multiplied to you. Jude - TopicsExpress


2 May mercy and peace and love be multiplied to you. Jude 2:2 The Angels of Trade and Money Also known as The Angels of Giria Beloved, we are the angels who are assigned by Divine Providence to control trade and monetary matters of earth. From the earliest beginnings, all trade and the making of coins from all types of metals, fell under the range of our competence. We have helped man develop in this respect in accordance with his grade of maturity and the scheduled time. At this time, trade and monetary activity on the earth is evenly divided between the old and the new. The old is simple: an item or service for another item or service, or an item or service for a physical exchange of money - person to person. The new is an indirect exchange of services or goods for electronic money. This is not done person to person but through the use of technology. The common ingredient that must be present in either system is ethics and morality. To the extent that the Highest Ethics and Morality is present in each transaction, to that extent the Kingdom of Heaven manifests in the affairs of mankind, and prosperity and security are assured for everyone. This works as a kind of magic formula. When can 1 plus 1 equal 3 or 4 or 5 or more? Impossible you say? Not so! When goods or services are exchanged with love, integrity, generosity, value, and compassion, the result is goodwill, security, understanding, satisfaction, affection, loyalty, trust, gratitude, optimism, and inspiration. What monetary value can you place on these? As any business person knows, these are the qualities that make for a successful reputation, loyal customer base, the best public relations and advertising, good credit, mutual co-operation and assistance and productive employees. Know that Divine Providence has ordained the glorious path of the spirit and soul to be joined with the path of business and trade. Ethics and morality function as the common life-blood of energy joining the two paths. Spiritual use of money, services, and trade is the way that God has provided for plenty and abundance to be rightfully inherited by all. All sentient life is created to sing the praises of the most high God. When the connection between eggs and bacon on the breakfast table and the presence of darkness and confusion in the public awareness is finally understood, no longer will pork bellies or factory farming or wood chip facilities chewing up sacred forests be a part of business-as-usual. When any one person makes that leap of courage and faith and dedication to Higher Truth and bliss and begins to conduct business, any business, large or small, with the highest in ethics and morality, a shock wave goes out in the surrounding mass conscious mind that is similar to a match being lit in a dark room. When you are that person, we, the Angels of Giria, inspire and protect you, and along with other groups of angels, heap blessing upon blessing upon blessing upon you, for you have become the steward of the Most High. Look at the letters in our name: G....In the principle of God-penetrating all, in all spheres and planes, this is the profundity of Divine Grace and Mercy in all its infinite expressions. The virtue of divine peace of the mind and the ability to give true divine blessing is attained. In the emotions there is the feeling of complete happiness and satisfaction. In the material world, this virtue represents all phases of riches and wealth, of happiness and satisfaction. Musical tone F. Deep grass green color. A feeling of chill. Can heal the left eye. I.....This is the law of cause and effect in the principle of God-penetrating-all. All doings, all life come under this law. This is the tenth letter and represents the one in its highest form. This brings about perfect memory, remembrance, and conscience in the mind. You master the understanding of feelings, and learn how to heal your own or anothers emotions by the use of cause and effect. In the physical you can understand the laws of analogy between the micro and the macrocosm. Musical note G. Light opal color. Earth element - sense with a feeling of weight. Can heal the left kidney. R......In the principle of God-penetrating-all, this is the virtue of freedom and independence. This gives you an eminent mind and perfect attunement to Divine Providence and at-one-ment with all Divine Laws so that you will never misuse free will in any way. In the feelings this awakens ingenuity. In the physical this virtue causes a rational widening of your intellect. Musical note C. Golden light. Can heal the left side of the nose. I...Cause and Effect A.....This is the attainment in the Orgon principle of the highest wisdom and the highest illumination that may ever be lavished on a human being. This brings about an enlightened mind with all its fundamental features of reasoning, the cognition of the most profound truths, highest knowledge, and high intelligence. On the feeling level, all talents such as musical ability, eloquence, and poetic talent are accessible. You also experience clairvoyance, clairaudience, the mastery of languages, the art of levitation and the control of the air element. On the material level the control of air spirits, storms, and the ability to heal any diseases of the lungs are available through merging in consciousness with the virtue of enlightenment that is represented by this letter oscillation of A. This is a soft A, such as in ah or amen. Visualize it as light blue with a sense of ease, filling all space, inwardly and outwardly. The sound of A is the musical note G. By their fruits ye shall know them. SHALOM
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 15:40:19 +0000

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