20 Facebook Tips And Tricks You Should Know - TopicsExpress


20 Facebook Tips And Tricks You Should Know ======================================== ******************************************************************* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1. Connect To Multiple Facebook Accounts You probably noticed that you can’t login to more than one account on Facebook. However, if you use Chrome, there is a built-in profile feature that allows you to create a new user profile on your browser. Click on the Navicon on the top right of your Chrome browser. Go to Settings. Go to Users, and click on Add new user. Choose your Profile Picture and give a name for that user. Click on Create and a new Window will be opened. You can now login to your Facebook account as per user profile and easily switch between users at the top right corner (see below). This is available on Firefox as well. Connect To Multiple Facebook Account 2. Sync Facebook Calendar With Google Calendar If you use both Facebook Calendar and Google Calendar to manage your everyday activities, you will need some time to manage both. Why not have your Facebook Events including birthday to sync with Google Calendar so that you don’t have to do it manually? Here’s how you can. Login to Facebook and click on Events. Go to the Calendar tab and click the Settings button on the top right then choose Export. You will see export your friends birthdays and upcoming events in a hyperlink; choose either one and copy the link address. Let’s say you pick birthdays first. Now, go to your Google Calendar page, look for Other Calendars on the left side of the page and click on the down arrow button then choose Add by URL. Paste the link you just copied in the URL box and click on Add Calendar. Repeat step 3 onwards with the events link to completely transfer all your events from the Facebook calendar to your Google calendar. Sync Facebook Calendar With Google Calendar 3. Accept All Friend Requests At Once If you have a lot of pending friend requests list, you might find its tiring to accept all the requests one at a time. Apparently there is a way to accept all at once using a JavaScript code. At your friend requests page, make sure to have all the requests loaded by scrolling down the page until the end. Next, copy this JavaScript code: javascript:for( i = 1;i Show advanced settings > under Network, click on Change proxy settings > click on Lan Settings and tick Use Proxy Server for your LAN. Fill in the address box with the proxy, and the port box accordingly. For example, if your proxy is, goes into the address box and 8080 is the port. Tick on Bypass Proxy Server For Local Addresses. Press OK. Now, go to your Facebook Account settings page, change the language to Bahasa Indonesia and save changes. Remove your Facebook last name and save changes again. Once you have complete everything, revert to your original language. Hide Last Name on Facebook 8. Create Fake Facebook Status Conversation Have you ever read about how World War II transpired on Facebook and the drama Avengers wreaked on Facebook? Well, those conversations are made possible with The Wall Machine. It’s a tool that allows you to forge status updates, comments, likes, recent activity, relationship update, and event attendance, with fake accounts and profile pictures as well. Create Fake Facebook Conversation 9. Turn Off Facebook Notification Sounds So you congratulated a friend on a wedding or new baby, or sent a get well soon note to a sickly friend, and now the Facebook notifications won’t stop coming. You have forgotten that Facebook notifications come with sounds and wish you could turn it off. Here’s how to stop it from making noise. Head over to Facebook Account Settings > go to Notifications tab At the top, untick Play a sound when each new notification is received and Save Changes. Turn Off Facebook Notification Sounds 10. Joint Facebook Profile And Cover Image Want to have your own creative Facebook covers? How about one of those where the profile picture is part of the cover photo? Use Tricked Out Timeline website to create your very own joined Facebook profile and cover image. There are 4 effects that you can choose starting from Merge Profile & Cover photo, Missing Jigsaw Piece, Tear Off The Bottom Edge, and Profile Picture Zoom. Joint Facebook Profile and Cover Image 11. Download Facebook History Do you know that you can download your entire Facebook history and have it all compiled in a zip file? Go to the Facebook Account Settings page, under the General tab, near the bottom is a link to Download a copy of your Facebook data. The archive includes almost everything from photos to your chat history but if you want a detailed breakdown read here. Download Facebook History 12. Use Profile Picture As Emoticons Did you know that you can turn your friend’s profile pictures into emoticons and use them in a Facebook chat? Here’s how to set it up. First, visit the page of your friend you want to tag as an emoticon. Then look for their Facebook username or their Profile ID from the address bar link. For example you want to get hongkiatcom from https://facebook/hongkiatcom. In any Facebook chat, when you type [[hongkiatcom]], brackets included, the profile picture will show during the chat. You can do this more than once in the same chat, and your friend(s) will not be notified when you use their profile picture as an emoticon in your chats. Use Profile Picture As Emoticons 13. Invite All Friends To A Facebook Event Instead of inviting your friends one by one to your Event or Facebook page, why not have them invited all at once? It is as easy as copy pasting a JavaScript code. Go to your Event Facebook page and click on Invite friends. Scroll down your friend list until the end to ensure you have loaded all the friends you want to invite. On Chrome, press CTRL + SHIFT + J (Windows) or CMD + Opt + J (Mac). Copy and paste this javascript:elms=document.getElementsByName(checkableitems[]);for (i=0;i
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 03:05:01 +0000

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