2013-06-11 02:30:38.01hr 04min ago 1.76 S 100.18 E 58 4.9 - TopicsExpress


2013-06-11 02:30:38.01hr 04min ago 1.76 S 100.18 E 58 4.9 SOUTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA 2013-06-11 01:36:57.81hr 58min ago 28.50 N 13.16 W 20 3.5 CANARY ISLANDS, SPAIN REGION Ventura Perera Yesterday Prediction:Euro-Mediterranean regions will increase dangerously seismic and volcanic activity strong waves seismic energy arriving to the regions Western, Central and Eastern Turkey will be under strong and dangerously effect of S/E.(-3.0 mag.to 5.4 mag.); Southern, Central and Northern Italy, Sicily, Italy Will increase seismic and volcanic activity (-3.0 mag.to 5.6 mag.); Stray of Gibraltar fur ther west (Azores Islands); Aegean Sea; Ionian sea;Mediterranean Sea, Dodecanese Islands, Greece; Crete,Greece, Greece regions; (-3.0 mag to 4.9 Mag); France, Spain, Pirenees; Icelands Regions,Poland,Alabania,Serbia;Germany;Portugal,Morocco and Algeria Coast ...regions will increase accumulation of S/E., and will increase seismic activity; Canary Island regions will increase seismic and volcanic activity strong wave of Seismic Energy arriving to the regions (-3.0 mag.to 4.1 mag); Southern, Western,Norther Iran regions!! Ventura Perera 13 hours ago Predicción: Atención!! Regiones de Sur América Pacifica y continental Relaxxx !!Lo peor ya pasó solo kedan algunas acumulaciones para débiles a moderadas eventos Sísmicos "Fuerte ayuda de los fenómenos de Dissipación"!;Regiones del Caribe Relaxxx!!!solo penetraciones para Débiles eventos Sísmicos,Islas Virgenes,P.Rico,Rep.Dominicana..;.Regiones ke se mantienen en Peligro Sísmico!!Asia Pacífico Regiones(Ejambres Sísmicos),Australasia regions;Euro-Mediterraneo regions(Ejambres Sísmicos!!) e Indonesia regiones acumulando E/S peligrosamente!!.Centra América Comenzando a acumular E/S.Globalmente se están manifestando Fuertes Fenómenos de Dissipación!! Tormentas,emanaciones de gases,emanaciones de Vapores de agua,Tremores Volcánicosetc..Todo estos fenomenos son saludables para disminuir los efectos de desvastadores terremotos!!.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 03:42:18 +0000

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