2013-08-11 Sheik Daboh is the New President of the APC Dallas - TopicsExpress


2013-08-11 Sheik Daboh is the New President of the APC Dallas Chapter August 11, 2013, Texas, U.S.A. - Following a surprising resignation of the former group leader, Mr. Mambu J. Koroma, it was of general consensus by members that an election to have new executive members to man the affairs of the organization is pivotal to the success of the non-profit organization. Sheik Daboh, with substantial charismatic traits of leadership emerged victorious with the title President with which no challenger could achieve in the elections that was held on August 10, 2013 in the city of Garland, North Texas. It was Mr. Amadu Jalloh, an honored member of the group who conduct the peaceful elections. Since the former president resigned on April this year, it became critical for the organization in electing new leadership and executive members. This perhaps may be why the All Peoples Congress of North America (APC/NA), the parent body, is at a crossroad. Hence, according to the group, since APC/NA became disarrayed in finding solutions to the enduring conflicts, the APC Dallas chapter has no choice but to act prudently to move forward.(Sheik Daboh, President APC/SC Dallas) The group unanimously agreed to install four considerably important positions that were identified by the North American APC/NA by-laws to keep in track with the effectiveness of the most popular chapter. Including the first position as president of the group, they also voted for the positions of the Secretary General, financial secretary, and the treasurer. Elizabeth Isata Koroma, the wife of former chapter president rose up to the position of Secretary General. Finda Koroma, a business woman with a nursing career clinched the position of treasurer, and Mrs. Jeneh Koroma, the wife of the chapter founding father, Mr. Sheku Koroma, surfaced in her position which she has been acting for a long time as financial secretary. Mr. Corniluous McCarthy, the chairman of the occasion who has also been acting as president since Mr. M.J. Koroma resigned, swiftly recommend that the four positions be filled immediately at the elections despite many members absent at the time. As an interim leader, he deemed it necessary to dissolve the interim administration and it was dissolved at 7:39 PM United States central time. Mr. McCarthy emphasized the significance of the four positions being identified for the elections to be filled in the ongoing elections with his belief that they are meant to design, develop and implement strategic plans for the organization in an effective way and in an efficient manner. Newly Elected Executive members The most impressive position applauded by the group was the Secretary General position which the former president’s wife won. The group believes that the Secretary General has an important role to play such that, she will be responsible for leading efforts to write proposals, managing correspondences with partner organizations, distributing email notifications and texts for meetings or initiatives, setting up APC/SC planning Committee Conference Calls, and sending out, thank you letters to its partners and supporters in any fundraising event. The other three positions are equally important and an elections date for the remaining positions will be soon announced by the president, Mr. Sheik Daboh. A cross section of the Dallas Chapter membership In his acceptance speech, the president of the chapter, Mr. Sheik Daboh gave an excellent speech reiterating his commitment to solve many problems and ensured that any strategy that will lead to the success of APC Dallas will be implemented by his administration. Some of the arrears needs to be strategized, he outlined, are the problem of membership drive, fundraising drive, and unity among members. He said his victory to emerge the highest position of the organization is an exciting and rewarding experience. He also believes that the cultural value of one family in one country should prevail. Now it is time for us to come together and focus on 2017 general elections, the new president went on. Mr. Amadu Jalloh, the APC Dallas Chapter Election Electoral Commissioner Mr. Daboh further catalogued his effort and interest in the All People’s Congress party noting that he was born in the party, therefore, he said, I will never feel intimidated to divulge my personal details to any opposition. He went on to thank his electors and stated, “I am humbled that you would place your faith and trust in me. I can assure you that this is a responsibility that I do not take lightly, and I will endeavor to represent you with the utmost transparency and boldness. Sheik Daboh has made enormous sacrifices to the APC party. Irrespective of whether or not the party is in or out of power, he is always there. Despite his commitment, educational qualification and experience, Mr. Daboh never strode for a position in Freetown. He believes in the phrase “What you do is what matters, not what you think or say or plan.” The Dallas chapter president sometimes ago stated that he was victimized in Tegloma, a predominantly Mende organization for being an APC member. He ran for leadership in 2011 but was easily defeated in the campaign trail for what he believes, was being discriminated as an APC member. Right - Author of this article, Sanpha Sesay in white shirt and others In continuation to his speech, Mr. Daboh’s main goal is to fight for the success of the party at all times. It is clear that stepping into the leadership of a well renowned organization could often bring the challenge of learning the best way to lead an organization. “But I know I have to learn the different personalities in our local chapter as well as the national to reinvigorate my leadership style to each member in order to be able to lead the chapter successfully”, Mr. Daboh reaffirmed. Sheik is a registered voter for all elections in the country and he endeavored to go to Freetown with his wife to vote for the reelections of President Ernest Koroma on last November. Sheik Daboh and women elders The election atmosphere was well fascinated by a guest APC women’s leader in Freetown, Haja Isatu Mansaray. She dressed with elegant APC attire at the president’s face on her muffler and the APC logo around her white suit. One new member, Mr. Shar Kpulum registered for the chapter. Many observers were also present.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 16:58:13 +0000

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