2013-08-29 下午Osifu开示 Osifu’s Discourse (Aug-29-2013 - TopicsExpress


2013-08-29 下午Osifu开示 Osifu’s Discourse (Aug-29-2013 afternoon) Osifu 15:47:31 本来准备明天再给大家做开示,可是近几天宇宙智能中心传递的能量、信息、密码量太大了,Osifu的心灵和大脑高速运行,像转换器一样高速转换,必须要尽快把转换后的能量、信息、密码传递给大家,今天下午再给大家增加一次开示。 Osifu planned that tomorrow another dharma talk would be given, however, in the recent days the energy, information and codes transmitted from the cosmic intelligence center (CIC) are too heavy. Osifu’s mind and brain have been running speedily, just like a fast switching converter, so the converted energy, information and codes must be transmitted to you as soon as possible. This afternoon, one more discourse is added for you. 目前地球上存在着各种各样、各种层次的通灵人,所谓能够沟通灵界信息、无形信息、隐态信息、阴性信息的人。 Nowadays, on the earth, there are psychics of all kinds and different levels who are capable of communicating with the spirit world, the intangible, the invisible and the state of Yin. 灵界信息、无形信息、隐态信息、阴性信息非常复杂,这些信息的源头也非常复杂,有的层次很低,有的甚至于来自宇宙中的黑暗力量、邪恶势力。 Messages of the spirit world, the intangible, the invisible and the state of Yin are really complex, and the sources of those messages are very complicated as well. Some of them belong to low levels, and some even come from the dark power and evil force of the universe. “万物皆有灵”,宇宙的万事万物皆具有自己的能量、信息、密码,所有的宇宙生灵和万事万物都可以接收、释放、传递、传播、转播、携带能量、信息、密码,这就构成宇宙中的能量、信息、密码的复杂化。 Everything has spirit. Everything in the universe possesses its own energy, information and codes. All cosmic beings and all things are able to receive, release, transmit, spread, relay and carry energy, information and codes, which constitutes the complication of energy, information and codes in the universe. 宇宙中具有形式各异、层次不一的能量场、信息场、密码场,它们相互交替、交叉、叠加、组合,十分庞杂,是地球人智能无法想象的。 There are energy fields, information fields and code fields of different forms and different levels in the universe. They alternate, intersect, superimpose and combine with each other. It is so complicated that it is beyond imagination of earthmen’s intelligence. 能够接受到来自宇宙智能中心的能量、信息、密码当然是最好的,但以地球人目前的智能水平根本做不到,因为地球人现有的心、灵、肉身所处的频次、维度、密度以及智能无法完全和宇宙智能中心同步、同波、同频。 It would be the best to have the ability to receive energy, information and codes from CIC, however, it is impossible for earthmen to reach it with their current intelligent level. The reason is that the current frequency, dimension, density and intelligence of the earthmen’s mind, spirit and flesh body has no way to completely synchronize, resonate in the same wave and at the same frequency with CIC. 地球人必须清洗、调整、净化、升华、平衡、提升自己的身、心、灵的频次、维度、密度以及智能水平才能逐步和宇宙智能中心同步、同波、同频。实现了和宇宙智能中心的同步、同波、同频,才是真正意义上的接通宇宙智能中心的能量、信息、密码。 Thus, earthmen must cleanse, adjust, purify, sublimate, balance and promote the frequency, dimension, density and intelligent level of their own body-mind-spirit. Only in this way will they synchronize, resonate in the same wave and at the same frequency with CIC gradually. And only after the synchronization and resonation with CIC in the same wave and at the same frequency is realized will it be truly connected to the energy, information and codes of CIC. 听到这里,大家肯定很关心如何接通宇宙智能中心的高智能的正能量、正信息、正密码?如何甄别和抵制来自黑暗力量、邪恶势力、低层次的负能量、负信息、负密码?接下来Osifu会一一解答。 By now, everyone would be certainly concerned about how to connect to the high intelligent positive energy-information-code of CIC and how to distinguish and resist the negative energy-information-code from dark power, evil force and low levels. Next, Osifu will answer them one by one. 如何接通宇宙智能中心的高智能的正能量、正信息、正密码? How to connect to high intelligent positive energy-information-code of CIC? 1、密钥在心、正诚善净与宇宙智能中心相应。 1. The secret key is the mind which must be righteous, sincere, kind-hearted and pure so as to respond with CIC. 2、无我无为、顺道而行与宇宙智能中心相应。 2. Be egoless and unconditioned to perform in accordance with the Way so as to respond with CIC. 3、造福苍生、普济亿灵与宇宙智能中心相应。 3. Bring bliss to all under Heaven and rescue all beings so as to respond with CIC. 4、无私奉献、慈悲喜舍与宇宙智能中心相应。 4. Be selflessly dedicated, be compassionate and give joyfully so as to respond with CIC. 5、无欲无求、无争无斗与宇宙智能中心相应。 5. Be unselfish, desireless, non-quarrel and non-fight so as to respond with CIC. 6、平等平和、自由自在与宇宙智能中心相应。 6. Be equal, placid, free at ease so as to respond with CIC. 7、清净祥和、自然顺道与宇宙智能中心相应。 7. Be pure and auspicious, and comply with the Way naturally so as to respond with CIC. 8、诸恶莫作、众善奉行与宇宙智能中心相应。 8. Cut off all evils and practice all goodness respectfully so as to respond with CIC. 9、顺应规律、遵循法则与宇宙智能中心相应。 9. Comply with Cosmos Laws and Nature Rules so as to respond with CIC. 10、同心同体、同波同频与宇宙智能中心相应。 10. Share one body with one heart in the same wave and at the same frequency so as to respond with CIC. 从以上十点你们可以看出,要想接通宇宙智能中心的高智能的正能量、正信息、正密码,必须解决和宇宙智能中心的相应,心灵感应,一切都是你的心灵感应来的。 From the above ten points you could see that the response with CIC must be realized if you want to connect to the high intelligent positive energy-information-code of CIC. It is telepath. Everything that comes to you is called forth by your mind. 如何甄别和抵制来自黑暗力量、邪恶势力、低层次的负能量、负信息、负密码?Osifu也从十个方面来回答: How to distinguish or resist the negative energy-information-code from dark power, evil force or low levels? Osifu will also answer from ten aspects below. 1、密钥在心、正诚善净,若能如此,百邪不侵。 1. The secret key is the mind which must be righteous, sincere, kind-hearted and pure. If so, one could be free from the invasion of all evil. 2、无我无为、顺道而行,若能如此,百邪不侵。 2. Be egoless and unconditioned in order to perform in accordance with the Way. If so, one could be free from the invasion of all evil. 3、造福苍生、普济亿灵,若能如此,百邪不侵。 3. Bring bliss to all under Heaven and rescue all beings. If so, one could be free from the invasion of all evil. 4、无私奉献、慈悲喜舍,若能如此,百邪不侵。 4. Be selflessly dedicated, be compassionate and give joyfully. If so, one could be free from the invasion of all evil. 5、无欲无求、无争无斗,若能如此,百邪不侵。 5. Be unselfish, desireless, non-quarrel and non-fight. If so, one could be free from the invasion of all evil. 6、平等平和、自由自在,若能如此,百邪不侵。 6. Be equal, placid, free at ease. If so, one could be free from the invasion of all evil. 7、清净祥和、自然顺道,若能如此,百邪不侵。 7. Be pure and auspicious, and comply with the Way naturally. If so, one could be free from the invasion of all evil. 8、诸恶莫作、众善奉行,若能如此,百邪不侵。 8. Cut off all evils and practice all goodness respectfully. If so, one could be free from the invasion of all evil. 9、顺应规律、遵循法则,若能如此,百邪不侵。 9. Comply with Cosmos Laws and Nature Rules. If so, one could be free from the invasion of all evil. 10、同心同体、同波同频,若能如此,百邪不侵。 10. Share one body with one heart in the same wave and at the same frequency. If so, one could be free from the invasion of all evil. 从以上十点你们可以看出,要想甄别和抵制来自黑暗力量、邪恶势力、低层次的负能量、负信息、负密码,必须解决你的相应问题,心灵感应,一切负能量、负信息、负密码都是你的心灵感应来的。 From the above ten points, you could see that the response must be realized if you want to distinguish and resist the negative energy-information-code from dark power, evil force and low levels. It is telepath. All negative energy-information-code that comes to you is called forth by your mind. 讲到这里,Osifu还是有必要把所有的能量、信息、密码源头给你们概括分类,有利于你们进一步的了解宇宙中灵界信息、无形信息、隐态信息、阴性信息的复杂性,避免迷失于其中。 At this point, it is still necessary for Osifu to help you generalize and classify all sources of energy, information and codes. It would be helpful for you to have a further understanding of the complexity of messages from the spirit world, the intangible, the invisible and the state of Yin in the universe in order to avoid getting lost in them. 宇宙中的能量、信息、密码源头就像无数个信号发射塔,无量无边、不计其数,Osifu概括为以下十大类: Sources of cosmic energy-information-code are like numerous signal launching towers that are countless and boundless, innumerable and measureless. Osifu will summarize them as the following ten categories. 1、宇宙智能中心,她是宇宙中唯一的、最大的、超级的能量、信息、密码场,是至高无上的,是自然的、自由的、清净的、自在的、慈悲的、智慧的、光明的、爱的、祥和的、平衡的、圆满的统一体。 1. Cosmic intelligence center (CIC). She is the unique, the greatest and the super energy-information-code field in the universe, which is supreme. She is the unity of nature, freedom, pureness, ease, compassion, wisdom, light, love, auspiciousness, balance and perfection. 2、宙祖、神祖、天祖、佛祖、道祖、仙祖、圣祖、真祖、星祖、人祖等高维次生灵传递的能量、信息、密码,他们的层次越高越接近宇宙智能中心的能量、信息、密码。 2. The energy-information-code transmitted from high dimensional beings such as Cosmos Ancestor, GOD Ancestor, Heaven Ancestor, Buddha Ancestor, Tao Ancestor, Immortal Ancestor, Saint Ancestor, Sage Ancestor, Star Ancestor, Humankind Ancestor, etc. The higher the level they are at, the closer to energy-information-code of CIC. 3、宙祖、神祖、天祖、佛祖、道祖、仙祖、圣祖、真祖、星祖、人祖等高维次生灵的眷属、部众传递的能量、信息、密码,他们的层次越高越接近宇宙智能中心的能量、信息、密码。 3. The energy-information-code transmitted from those families and followers of high dimensional beings such as Cosmos Ancestor, GOD Ancestor, Heaven Ancestor, Buddha Ancestor, Tao Ancestor, Immortal Ancestor, Saint Ancestor, Sage Ancestor, Star Ancestor, Humankind Ancestor, etc. The higher the level they are at, the closer to energy-information-code of CIC. 4、魔王传递的能量、信息、密码。 4. The energy-information-code transmitted from Demon King. 5、魔王眷属、部众传递的能量、信息、密码。 5. The energy-information-code transmitted from the families and followers of Demon King. 6、精灵王传递的能量、信息、密码。 6. The energy-information-code transmitted from Elven King. 7、精灵王眷属、部众传递的能量、信息、密码。 7. The energy-information-code transmitted from the families and followers of Elven King. 8、宇宙日月星河、山河大地、一花一草、一石一沙传递的能量、信息、密码。 8. The energy-information-code transmitted from the suns, moons, galaxies, Milky Ways, mountains, rivers, lands, single flower and grass, each stone and sand in the universe. 9、宇宙运行过程中残留的、扭曲的、变异的、变幻的能量、信息、密码。 9. The remnant, distorted, mutated and irregularly changed energy-information-code during operation of the universe. 10、以上各种正负能量、信息、密码在传递过程中相互交替、交叉、叠加、组合,形成的庞杂的能量、信息、密码。 10. Complicated energy-information-code formed by alternating, intersecting, superimposing and combining of the above various positive and negative energy-information-code in the process of transmission. 由以上十大类宇宙中存在的能量、信息、密码源头你们可以看到灵界信息、无形信息、隐态信息、阴性信息何其复杂!不是每一个人都可以接通宇宙智能中心的能量、信息、密码的,一旦接通黑暗力量、邪恶势力、低层次所传递的负能量、负信息、负密码后果十分严重,如果自己再偏听偏信,妄执为真,那个结果更可怕。这也是Osifu今天下午增加一次开示的良苦用心所在。 From the above ten major categories of sources of energy-information-code existing in the universe, you could see how complicated the messages of the spirit world, the intangible, the invisible and the state of Yin are! Not everyone has the ability to connect to the energy-information-code of CIC. The consequence would be quite serious once the negative energy-information-code transmitted from the dark power, evil force and low levels was connected. If one goes on listening to only one side and believes the false to be true, the result would be more terrible. That is why Osifu gives one more dharma talk this afternoon out of considerate love. Osifu 17:49:59 希望大家步步走稳,切记不可迷失于灵界信息、无形信息、隐态信息、阴性信息之中,更不要被黑暗力量、邪恶势力、低层次所利用、所控制、所奴役。 Hope all of you step steadily. Do remember: Don’t be lost in messages of the spirit world, the intangible, the invisible and the state of Yin, much less be used, controlled or slaved by the dark power, evil force and low levels. 不动心,往前行,一切无碍。 Keep the mind still and go forward. Then everything will be O.K. 今天就讲到这里吧,时刻祝福大家。 So much for today. Bless you at every moment. Osifu’s skype id: sifu.o Osifu’s E-mail:osifu@hotmail Website: osifu.net Translated into English by Osifu’s Teachings Translation Group Email: osifue@gmail
Posted on: Sun, 06 Oct 2013 10:55:09 +0000

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