2014. 3. 26. Wednesday. The basics of the evangelist(Genesis - TopicsExpress


2014. 3. 26. Wednesday. The basics of the evangelist(Genesis 3:15) I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel. [Video] youtu.be/In65C4azfOA Hymn for scheduled worship: Korean/English Hymnal #25 Crown him with many crowns(#25 in previous version) What is the most basic element to us fulfilling our commission as evengelists? The promise most frequently mentioned in the Bible is the promise that God is with us and that He answers us. We have received many promises but in reality we are not receiving answers. Why is that? This is because we do not have the correct basics. What are the basics that the evangelist must have? 1. True restoration of the individual All people have the eternal fundamental spiritual problem that cannot be solved with human strength, and this is formed through culture and deep in our lives so that we live in a state where the individual is undoubtedly ruined. The most important method of individual restoration in this state of being separated from Gods principle of creation is to enjoy the Gospel. The power to conquer the authority of hell and the power to defeat the culture of Satan is only in the Gospel. Moreover, if you just acknowledge that this Gospel has been given to us the forces of darkness crumble immediately. 2. True answer When we restore the mystery of the king, prophet, and priest inside of the mystery of Christ our prayer has power. At this time, we enter into a spiritual state of receiving Gods answers and the time schedule of answers arrives where Gods Word is fulfilled in my life. When we enjoy answers of the Word and prayer, the state of my field naturally enters into the answer of evanglism. Whats more, I receive and enjoy the blessing of me, those around me, and my field being revived and I also receive the life blessing of the evangelist. 3. True commission When the Gospel is restored along with my Word, prayer, and evangelism, I discover Gods heavenly mandate in my talent and specialty. Also, through my life in which the Gospel is restored, my work becomes my commission and I will confirm‍ the fulfillment of that calling to carry out Gods great will and purpose. We have one opportunity. This could be our final opportunity. We must connect this opportunity to answers and remember the fact that we are inside of the opportunity to leave a model for the next generation for all eternity. [Forum Topic] Look at your life as a whole and organize the answers you must receive in your life into prayer topics. And seek out the commission, calling, and heavenly mandate that God has given you, as well as the meaning of your life. Business Industry Missions Message/2013. 12. 7. [Minute Meditation] Am I enjoying the mystery that comes from Jesus Christ who is the perfect truth? [Todays Word] Titus 3, Philemon, Daniel 5~6.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 16:56:30 +0000

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