2014 #SHOUTOUT to these two AMAZINGLY TALENTED people. D.J. Craig - TopicsExpress


2014 #SHOUTOUT to these two AMAZINGLY TALENTED people. D.J. Craig SARATI I know walking into 2014, there was a LOT of cleaning up to do from the wretched 2013. But to say you took it on and WON would be an understatement. People looking from the outside dont know the pain, confusion, disappointment, challenges, heartbreak, let downs, worries and doubts the plague the life of artists / entertainers and people in general. They dont know the tears you cry when you feel LESS than good enough. The rejection you face and suffer DAILY as you go out for jobs you dont get, wondering if it was because youre not good enough, pretty or good-looking enough, and especially talented enough. They dont know that sometimes a no can make you feel like something inside of you died. And it pretty much takes a rebirth to get back up again. But YOU TWO kids make my heart sing. Youve taken on the hardest lessons (so far), in an ugly business (and ugly world) and found the beauty and love for GROWTH. And that is the greatest success you can ask for. Youve made the choice to do it differently... to stand OUT from the pack and the norm. Youve made conscious efforts to become better humans, and in turn, better artists. Youve decided that the rush you once felt, only leads to mediocrity and failure. Youve decided to learn patience and unwavering faith and work-ethic. The kind that careers of longevity are made of. Youve chosen FAITH over FURY and for that, the rewards are becoming so great. THIS YEAR, collectively, youve taken LEAPS toward your TEAM BUILDING! Youve gotten NEW AGENTS (commercial and theatrical), MANAGEMENT, INVESTORS (all of whom are EXCITED about your future in the most amazing ways. I LOVE that they see and know what I know!) Most importantly, youve gained true supporters, the kind that will last a LIFETIME - and also very serious interest from BIG BIG players in this crazy game. Youve started and/or completed TRAINING for acting, learning your craft and continue to educate yourself on being powerful actors. Youve done commercials, photo shoots and short films and more! Youve been paid well... and worked for free, and in both cases, you gave it 100%, proving that this if your passion. Youve been WRITING and RECORDING NEW music and sharing it with your supporters, with control, patience and confidence. Youve committed to NEW IDEAS and BIG PLANS for your future, that will defy the odds and set you on a path that few can ever say theyve walked. Youve learn to march to the beat of your own HEART. To believe you can do anything, and especially the things people say you cant do. To IGNORE and often ENJOY the rumors people say about you (even when they dont know youve heard them). Youve sacrificed Los Angeles fame and popularity, in order to WORK NOW and gain the love and appreciation of the entire world. Youve TURNED DOWN things that didnt fit the plan. Youve accepted things that you needed to do for your experience and growth. MOST OF ALL, you have BOTH in your OWN WAY grown so much in your FAITH in GOD and BELIEF in him... allowing HIM to lead, guide and direct, even when people wonder WHY you believe, and call your crazy for such. Youve seen the RESULTS of that dedication to God and I know NOTHING will ever shift you from that. And for me personally, the blessing youve given ME, is that youve been LOYAL! In the land of everyones someone, doing something thats the next biggest and best thing, and the only thing you should do and if you dont you wont make it............. youve stayed committed and true to this vision and what GOD showed me I have for you. When there are many other versions that could exist, youve stayed HERE, and for that, you get ALL OF ME, ALL THE TIME! OVERALL... youve been in deep deep LIFE, SPIRIT and CAREER DEVELOPMENT and now, because of your sacrifice, because of your faith, because of your loyalty... it is now paying off big time. Its finally time, at the same time, for your BOTH to take a bigger step onto the WORLD STAGE and share the God Given Gifts that you both posses. And lastly, to Judy Craig, #John, #David and Sharon Salvato Toups ... thank you for raising these two with amazing hearts. You didnt give them their talent, but you allowed them the freedom to express it as they felt the passion growing in them. If it were NOT for your four, they wouldnt be the amazing humans they are. I see how hard you work, how much you love and how often you give. And thats what makes the difference. I know it hasnt been easy letting your babies go, but I hope you know, trust and believe that I care for them as if they are my own. That I want the greatest and biggest, yet, safest and most honest lives for them. I keep them focused and out of the mess. And Im HONORED to help them on their journey, which I know they are BOTH doing to repay you for all that you are. The tears Ive seen them both cry for you is enough to make me promise that I will DIE making their dreams reality. I LOVE YOU ALL! Keep going... Keep learning... Keep trusting... Keep believing... Keep growing... Keep giving... Keep being MORE and MORE YOU as you learn more and more who YOU truly are. A Goodbye 2014 Toast to you both. MY PRINCE + PRINCESS! #ToBeUNknownNoMore #MissIndependent #LINK #Bridges #iDMe
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 01:49:33 +0000

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