20140406 3:03 pm Akita, Japan. In respect of the view toward - TopicsExpress


20140406 3:03 pm Akita, Japan. In respect of the view toward the culture in Taiwan, we native Taiwanese people somehow cannot respect and has been looking down on our traction culture include of the life style, cognitive development, national consciousness and so on. Since a long time ago, I have been thinking about the reasons why we almost all like that which means we are not confident with telling others who we really are. Culture industry has been demonstrating for long time ago in England because of the economic environment under global capitalism circumstance is getting competitive, the government should develop different way like culture industry to get transition and upgrade with internal industry. However, not every country has ability to use this word confidentially because it needs National Self-determination which we Taiwanese people even the government are all lack of. Despite the lack of the determination and the desire of improvement in Taiwan, theres a serious and basically can be considers as a big problem is not methodical in some degree which means we are not detailed at everything which needs to do it seriously. For example, in Taiwan, we actually have passionate in doing culture work and there are many people from the experts to the publics are devoting themselves to this field and we do have rich experience, resources and reference materials however we dont have a systematic work to organize these precious records for young generations to know and learn. Like the technology industry in Taiwan, theres a example here I learned that through a taiwan media website, a famous well-known America technology company was going to acquisition a technology company in Taiwan, when the American staff of technology department arrived at the company in Taiwan, the information and resources they showed them were all well-organized and the amount of the storage is quality which could clearly see how messy the Taiwanese company is. Meanwhile, we also can see the same problem in the way how each country do culture preservation, in a book named (Zan and Japanese Culture) authored by Daisetz T.Suzuki, there are paragraphs talk about the definition of national aesthetic and the way they do like :Numerous Japanese intellectuals participated in the effort to define Japanese characteristics that made an object fully Japanese. These authors sought to delineate the nature of Japanese culture in static and essential terms in contradistinction to Europe and American cultures, which increasingly were characterized as mechanical, overly technological, and ultimately, threatening to Japanese interests at home and abroad. In aesthetics, intellectuals and artists strove to identify those principles - for example, wabi 詫(poverty) and 寂(loneliness/solitude) - that were fundamental to all the arts in Japan. And In 1937, in what Leslie Princus has characterized as a move toward the creation of a National aestheticism... In the paragraph showed above, we can tell how weak we Taiwanese ability of organization on these things which should be considered emergency and need to makeup as soon as possible. Its important for we Taiwanese to work hard on more serious topic issues but its ironically that we are still busy with arguing about if there might be pretty girls in the student movement against the trade treaty with China.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 07:35:52 +0000

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