23 Nov 2013 Alec Pryce Appearing in the door way watching - TopicsExpress


23 Nov 2013 Alec Pryce Appearing in the door way watching Brick lay on the bed starring back at him he tips his hat at him. Are you going to invite me in or stand in the cold? He knew damn well he could enter the house. He had felt how confused the alpha was and by looking at him he knew he was tense over something. < Dont start demanding answers Alec just be there for him> he told himself. Brick Panthera *waving his hand the door opened wider.* venir et soyez les bienvenus... *he held his breath as the tall blonde stepped over the threshold entering his room.* cold night for stalking Alec Pryce Steps into the room removing the hat raking a hand through his hair Alec lifted the corner of his mouth. Ill risk frost bite for you. And a lot more if need be but the alpha didnt need to know that. Walking over to the bed he kneeld down to be eye level with him. Your pet likes the snow I saw him rolling and trying to pounce on the flakes. Brick Panthera *He let his legs fall wider open to accommodate the male, when it dawned on him what he said.* that is not my pet. *he watched for any reaction as the male moved closer.* He is my cub and this is the first snow hes seen. *reaching out he brushed some snow off the males leather jacket the air left his lung at the small contact.* Alec Pryce Leaning forward he catches the alphas breath leave him, giving him a slow grin Alec slowly moved toward him his lips grazing the alphas He should be wore out by the time he comes back inside from playing. < As should we be> Brick Panthera *his throat closed and his gums ached confusion clouded his mind. He should be trying to kill this male.. Right? Growling he slipped one hand into Alec hair to pull or steady the kiss.* non!!!! *he shouted before tightening his hold he fought a battle within himself trusting his tongue deep drinking Alec with each savoring caress.* Alec Pryce He savored the taste of this alpha, the confusion and doubts bombarded his thoughts from the blood he had taken weeks ago. Willing himself to go slow he drank from Bricks mouth swallowing every sound he made. Alecs body grew hard and fangs lengthened in his mouth but he didnt pull away from this man. Careful to not cut him Alec deepened the kiss lowering his frame to Bricks easing his weight on him. Brick Panthera *And like every good plan it all went to pot the moment he felt Alec once again. He meant to push him away. He meant to leave this place yet he lingered. He planned to find death and beat him at his game... Yet something stilled his plan... He felt his heart beat hard in his chest as Alex sounded deep within his aligning together.. His blood roared for once craving what he should never want. Flipping the male he hissed taking over the kiss digging his clawed hand into the mattress beside him* Alec Pryce He allowed Brick to control knowing he needed this, needed to have some sort of control over what he was doing. For once was going with his head instead of his heart. Alecs hand trailed down his spine cupping his ass holding him tighter against him. His fangs scraped over Bricks bottom lip nicking him enough to draw blood his tongue swirled over it groaning from the taste. He tired to will his body to cool down a little from that small taste of this alpha. If he didnt a hold of himself he would explode in his jeans before he even got to be in this male. Brick Panthera *his heart skipped a beat as his balls drew up.* you want my blood? Is that all? *sitting up he clawed his chest swiping his hand over his heart feeling the blood seep up within each line* drink! Alec Pryce Looks at him then at the blood then back at him Its more than your blood I want Leans up licks the gash as I work his jeans down over his ass. Are you giving yourself freely to me Alpha male Brick? He trailed the tip of his tongue over and around the marks feeling him shiver. I promise to go easy on you Flipping him on his back Alec yanked Bricks pants off laying between his legs lapping at the blood closing them. Lowering his head he takes Brick into his mouth sucking him down His throat. The growls and groans of pleasure coming from Brick making him harder by the minute. Brick Panthera *betrayal* non non *he couldnt do this he was betraying the memory of his mate. he moaned growing thicker in Alec mouth as a tear ran down his face. Tossing an arm over his face he hated himself at this moment for responding wanting more.* Alec Pryce Raising up he removed Bricks arm making him look at him wiping the tears away he laid his forward against his taking deep breaths to get his body back under control.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 10:40:16 +0000

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