25 Amazing Facts You Didn’t Know About Animals. -Houseflies - TopicsExpress


25 Amazing Facts You Didn’t Know About Animals. -Houseflies don’t allow their short lifespans (14 days) to hinder their musical abilities. They always hum in the key of F. -Ostriches can run faster than horses, and the male ostriches can roar like lions. -Bats are the only mammals that can fly, but wouldn’t it be awesome if humans could fly too? -Kangaroos use their tails for balance, so if you lift a kangaroo’s tail off the ground, it can’t hop. -On average, there are 50,000 spiders per acre in green areas. Bet you’ll think twice before going outside now. -Tigers not only have stripes on their fur, they also have them on their skin. No two tigers ever have the same stripes. -To escape the grip of a crocodile’s jaw, push your thumb into its eyeball – It will let you go instantly. -Fleas can jump up to 200 times their height. This is equivalent to a man jumping the Empire State Building in New York. -A cat has 32 muscles in each ear. All the better for them to eavesdrop on your conversations and plot your demise. -Elephants can smell water up to 3 miles away. They are also one of the three mammals that undergo menopause – the other two being humpback whales and human females. -Koala bears almost exclusively eat only eucalyptus leaves and nothing else. -Because beavers’ teeth never stop growing, they must constantly gnaw on objects to keep them at a manageable length. Their teeth would eventually grow into their brain if they didn’t maintain them. -There are one million ants for every human in the world. These resilient creatures also never sleep and do not have lungs. -Oysters can change gender depending on which is best for mating. Talk about successful adaptation. -Butterflies have two compound eyes consisting of thousands of lenses, yet they can only see the colors red, green and yellow. -A snail can grow back a new eye if it loses one. -You can tell a turtle’s gender by the noise it makes. Males grunt and females hiss. -Giraffes have no vocal cords and their tongues are blue-black in color. -Millions of trees are accidentally planted by squirrels that bury nuts and then forget where they hid them. -Humpback whales create the loudest sound of any living creature. And you thought the loudest sound came from that two-year-old you sat next to on your trans-continent al flight, didn’t you? -Dogs’ nose prints are as unique as human fingerprints and can be used to identify them. -The slowest fish is the seahorse, which moves along at about 0.01 mph. -Pigs communicate constantly with one another; more than 20 vocalizations have been identified that pigs use in different situations, from wooing mates to saying, “I’m hungry!” -Contrary to popular belief, French poodles actually originated in Germany. -Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards and their wings can beat at up to 80 times per second. ADD YOURS!!!
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 21:06:23 +0000

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