27th October 1947 an unfortunate day for the freedom loving - TopicsExpress


27th October 1947 an unfortunate day for the freedom loving nations of the world and a black day for the people of Jammu Kashmir. Kashmiris will, as in past, observe this day as a black day: Yasin Malik 27th October 1947 is an unfortunate day for the freedom loving nations and a black day for the people of Jammu Kashmir. Its wretchedness and bitterness is still haunting Kashmir and Kashmiri’s. This nation is striving for its freedom from foreign occupation from last six decades and has rendered voluble sacrifices for this just cause. This was stated by the chairman JKLF Mohammad Yasin Malik in a press statement issued today in connection with the 27th Oct day. While appealing Kashmiri’s to observe complete shut down and black out on Monday 27th October 2014, Yasin Malik said that the bitterness and wretchedness of this day are such that no Kashmiri can afford to forget this day. Yasin sahib said that this day is a black day for this nation that has been denied justice and freedom. Yasin Malik said that as a living nation Kashmiris will keep striving for their just cause and protest against illegal occupation of their mother land. He said that India on 27th October 1947 landed its troops in Kashmir and snatched our freedom and independence. It was India that went to international community and pledged before the nations of the world that it will provide Kashmiri’s their freedom and birth right. It was India whose leaders in their parliament and before the public, pledged to give Kashmiris a chance to determine their future. But as time passed India forgot to fulfill its own pledges and started torturing, killing and oppressing Kashmiris who only tried to remind it its own pledges and commitments. Yasin Malik said that as JKLF started the historical people’s revolution in 1988, it reminded Kashmiris with the hurtfulness of this day and called on them to register their protest before the international community on this day. From that day onwards Kashmiris observe this day as a black day and protested against the illegal occupation of their land. Yasin Malik said that it was on this day that Indian troops landed on the soil of Kashmir, snatching our freedom and putting the whole subcontinent into despair, disbelief and conflict. It is this Indian act that has taken millions of lives, not only of Kashmiris but Indians and Pakistanis too. It is this act that is still showing its ugliness as Indian and Pakistani troops not only exchange fire on blood soaked cease fire line that divides Jammu Kashmir but even on the international border forcing millions of people living on both sides to flee their mother land and homes for safety. He said that this day is actually responsible for all what is stopping subcontinent from marching towards prosperity and stability and sooner the ugliness of this day is eradicated better will be the future of Kashmir, India, Pakistan and the billions of people living in this region. Yasin Malik while criticizing the international community for their criminal silence on this issue said that international community must understand that 65 years are enough to recognize its faults. When silence and sidelining the issue has not worked for 60 years how can it work now, added Yasin Malik. He said that it is the obligation of international community to look into its policy of ignoring and sidelining Kashmir issue, as this issue and its lingering on is the only cause of tension between India and Pakistan and this is the issue which is halting and stopping the march of billions of people towards peace, prosperity and stability .Yasin Malik said that international community should shun its silence and persuade India and Pakistan to recognize the owner and principal party status of Kashmiris and create positive atmosphere and resolve the issue of Jammu Kashmir ,with the active participation of people of Jammu Kashmir and according to their aspirations, sacrifices and satisfaction . Meanwhile JKLF has expressed its grief and sorrow over the sad demise of its activist Sabzaar Ahmad Khanday of Mochoo Kulgam. JKLF district president Kulgam Abdul Satar and others visited the residence of deceased member and expressed solidarity with his bereaved family
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 19:31:16 +0000

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