3 unusual scenes from this evenings pond walk. A. Samson and I - TopicsExpress


3 unusual scenes from this evenings pond walk. A. Samson and I are exiting the parking area for the stroll. Hey, Miss! When I was a high school wrestler, I could tie my shoes that way, too. But that was a long time ago. The jogger was angling for some tribute like that. Cant think why else a person would spend 30 seconds tying their shoes, standing with their nose to their knees. B. Samson is trolling along and wanders into the brush. Suddenly a coyote dashes out and Samson limp lopes after, pretending to give chase. I whistle and he trots back. Last time something like this happened, there were three of them cunningly leading my Alaskan malamute off to the slaughter. They actually closed in and got a few nips in before, sprinting and screaming, I broke up the lunch. C. A guy considerably older than I is ambling along with a woman considerably younger than I, who is enthusing in a heavy Filipino accent. Theyre both wearing gym trunks and wife beaters, he in tennis shoes, she in quite high platform shoes. Mail order, maybe.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 02:00:46 +0000

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